Learning Library Blog

Hospitals Required to Reduce Opioid Consumption

Everywhere you look today you here about the opioid epidemic sweeping the country. But what does it mean and what are the consequences? Opioids are a class of drugs that react with opioid receptors on nerve cells, relieving pain and creating pleasurable feelings thus making them highly addictive. Unfortunately medical doctors in this country, in an effort to deal with issues like new injuries that eventually result in chronic pain when not corrected, routinely prescribed and over prescribed these narcotic painkillers to a breaking point. Since 1999 the deaths related to prescription opioids have quadrupled totaling more than 165,000 people and costing the U.S. an estimated $18 billion. In response there have been calls from the CDC, FDA and the Institute of Medicine to shift away from opioids and toward more non-pharmacological approaches to pain management. So what are we to do and how do we deal with this epidemic? New Pain management standards, set forth by the Joint Commission that oversees 90% of all hospitals in the U.S., are to go into effect January 1, 2018. Hospitals are now going to be required to provide non-pharmacological pain treatment options such as chiropractic as part of the pain treatment protocols. Since 1895 chiropractic has been a drug free, safe, noninvasive and effective treatment option for the reduction of pain and improvement in function of the body that has been ignored by the majority of the medical profession for far too long and to disastrous effects. In fact, a recent study of datasets from Medicare showed that locations with a higher concentration of chiropractors and higher payouts for chiropractic adjustments, had fewer patients taking prescription opioids. When chiropractic care is utilized, it has a direct positive effect on opioid use due to more people receiving the proper care they need and are, in turn, living a healthier and pain free lifestyle. As chiropractors we focus on the root cause of the pain. Misalignment of the vertebrae or other joints in the body exert pressure onto the nerves, in various means, causing a disruption of the signal sent from the brain along this nerve. When these signals are disrupted the connection between the brain and body is interrupted causing the body to not function properly which delays the body’s healing abilities and promoting an environment that leads to dysfunction and pain. Through gentle spinal and extremity adjustments of misaligned areas we can restore proper function and healing – reducing if not completely eliminating the pain. A paradigm shift has begun. In order to continue this shift in the healthcare model, we must learn and not ignore the data – head the warning of these organizations and no longer go down the path of more and more drugs. Drug manufactures need to be proactive and responsible in their marketing and education on the use of these drugs. Doctors and hospitals need to be more selective in their prescribing and use of these drugs and we need to look at ways of dealing with and preventing the issues that lead to the need for opioids. Chiropractic is standing ready to lead this part of the fight and with the Joint Commission’s new standards we are optimistic. Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic has been helping people to lead pain free lives for 59 years! Ask your doctor today if chiropractic would be an alternative to opioids for your condition.

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Your Solution to the Failing American Health Care

YOUR SOLUTION TO THE FAILING AMERICAN HEALTH CARE “The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” ― Thomas A. Edison, 1903 Wake up America we have a big problem! The facts are, according to the World Health Organization, the United States of America consistently ranks at the bottom of all measured categories of health care except for acute care. We spend about double the amount on prescribed medication then the average country, around $1100 per person per year! We now have issues like MERSA and ever increasing health problems due to side effects. We out spend all of the other countries but our outcomes fall way behind. Why is this happening? What do we have wrong? What don’t we know? Somewhere along the line your health became a business. It became about intervention instead of cultivating a culture of prevention and maintenance of a healthy life. For too long our ideas and thoughts about what it means to be healthy has centered on “how do you feel”? We need to get rid of the thought that pain or discomfort is the only measure of how healthy we are. The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease, illness or pain. The medical community and drug companies have advertised us into believing medications focused on treatment of disease and symptoms is our only option. Look at our opioid addiction in this country and who contributed to it. SOLUTION 101: People must wake up to long term preventive care of oneself and how that pays huge dividends in life. It makes complete sense to keep your nervous system (brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves) free from pressure and functioning well always to prevent disease, illness and pain. Wouldn’t you want that throughout your entire life? Chiropractic, since 1895, has preached that proper alignment of the body facilitates the optimal connection between the brain and the body. The brain body connection is the driving force behind our health. It MUST be properly maintained and any interference must be removed. Chiropractors are trained to detect and correct interference in that connection due to misalignment of the “human frame”, specifically the spine and cranium. Your body is born with the innate mechanisms of immunity and an ability to grow, heal and thrive as long as the nervous system is not interfered with. The fact is there is no pill, potion or lotion that can give your body the ability to heal. We need to heed the words of Thomas Edison and invest our time and resources in the care of the human frame and the precious nervous system encased in it. Chiropractic care has been enhancing our body’s innate abilities for over 120 years. Know the truth, spread the truth. It’s never too late to start a good thing. You must start moving forward from here. The best day to make a change is today. Sincerely written by Dr. Peter Norton

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Strelcheck Chiropractic helps Big 10 Swimmer

Colleen Champa: My name is Colleen Champa and I have been a competitive swimmer for as long as I can remember. I had dreams about swimming in college and competing at the Olympic Trials one day. By the age of 12, my body was falling apart from the sport. I struggled through hip and shoulder pain through every practice to the point where I needed to take time off. This is when I started at chiropractic treatment at Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic. With all the services the clinic had to offer, such as chiropractic care, massage therapy, and physical therapy, I was able to get back in the water and continue my dreams of being a big time college swimmer. 10 years later while still getting chiropractic treatment, I just finished up my successful collegiate swimming career at the University of Iowa. By the time I graduated, I was a top 16 breaststroker in the Big 10. I could not have reached my dreams without chiropractic care. Thank you, Dr. Pete and Dr. Daniel, for all the help you’ve been giving me.

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Kitten Causes Bulging Discs in Back

Steve: Hi, my name is Steve, and I’m here to tell you a little story about an injury that I sustained about 10 years ago. We got a new kitten, got loose outside and went to pick him up and he side-stepped me. I turned to grab him, I heard a crack, and within an hour, I couldn’t stand up. And the next morning, I came in and saw the staff here at Strelcheck Chiropractic and they were able to put me back together, despite having three bulging discs in my low back. Within a few weeks, I was back to normal. And here I am 10 years later, still getting my monthly tuneups, and probably able to more do things now at fifty-something, than I was at thirty-something. So, thanks to everybody here.

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