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The Price of Neglect

-When asked what surprised him about humanity the most, the Dalai Lama replied: “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.” As a young adult in my twenties I barley had any inclination to think about the future. Now, I often say or hear,”If I could only go back knowing what I know now!” In my practice knowing what happens to the bod, if neglected, is one of the keys to protecting your health and future. Often when taking an initial history on a patient I hear “I have had these issues off and on for years but it usually went away but it isn’t going away now!” The truth of the matter is the pain went away but the causes of your pain and conditions were always still there. You see, the symptom of pain is usually the last part of your condition to show up but the CAUSE has been there for many years. Today, I want to look at what happens when the Cause, subluxated joints in the spine, are left untreated. The spine is the bony protection for the spinal cord. The spinal cord is vital to health because it is the communication path from the brain to the body. The brain controls all functions through the spinal cord and if it and the surrounding tissue is unhealthy your body with suffer. The spine is made up of bone, ligaments, cartilage and cartilage discs. The design is really amazing when you think about all the movements and positions that are performed by the body. When the vertebrae twist out of alignment the joints between the vertebrae lock and become immobile. This immobility causes trauma to the joints and an accelerated path of degeneration. First, degeneration of the spine starts as a loss or normal curves that restricts normal ranges of motion. Ligament and muscle strength is reduced and you feel tightness and stiffness that gets worse. Even with the nerve irritation and soft tissue inflammation, pain or other obvious symptoms may not be present. Second, years of accumulated calcium deposition are now visible as bone spurs. The spurs attempt to fuse malfunctioning joints because the body perceives these areas as weak and tries to strengthen them. The vertebrae become rough and uneven. Joint instability increases and is accompanied by worsening nerve irritation and disc degeneration. Finally after years of neglect, complete fusion of the vertebrae has immobilized the joint. Compressed nerves cause permanent nerve irritation as soft tissue degeneration continues. This irreversible condition is associated with chronic health problems. Stopping and or preventing spinal degeneration is essential for the health of your spine and body. There is now spine replacement surgery! We know that when untreated, subluxations cause havoc on spine and body, and makes it impossible to maintain health on every level. You cannot function at your best without proper spinal alignment. This can be restored and maintained by a chiropractic adjustment. It is crucial for a healthy and pain-free living. Chiropractic is an extremely safe and cost effective alternative to the medical and pharmalogical establishment. It will make you healthier and keep you that way!

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The Cost of Neglect

“Health insurance has as much to do with being healthy as life insurance has to do with being alive. If you rely on an insurance companies recommended plan for your health care needs we hope you have good life insurance.”- Unknown In my last article I examined the physical effects of neglecting the warning signs and symptoms that lead to degeneration of the body. Today I want to look at some of the staggering monetary costs to patients and the effects on our overall economy under the current model of our healthcare system. Unless you have been living under a rock you have to have noticed a severe increase in the cost of your insurance premiums and deductibles. Premiums have risen 19% over the past five years, to $7,000 for a single person in 2017, and to nearly $19,000 for a family and, out-of-pocket costs, which include deductibles, co-pays and co-insurance, has grown 66%, more than twice the growth rate in wages during that period. Employers paid nearly $665 billion in 2016 in health-related costs. This is such a drain on our economy and businesses that business leaders Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Jamie Dimon of Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and J.P. Morgan Chase are creating a company to provide their employees with better quality health care at a lower cost, without regard to profit incentives. Health care spending continues to become a larger share of the U.S economy and at the federal level is a driver of U.S. debt. National health spending, which includes spending by federal and state governments, the private sector and individuals, has risen from just 5% as a share of the economy in 1960 to 17.9% in 2016 to the tune of $3.3 trillion in 2016, or $10,348 per person. It is a drain on us, all the way through retirement. In fact the average 65-year-old couple retiring this year will need about $280,000 to cover health care in retirement. So what are we getting for our money? Well, according to the World Health Organization the United States consistently ranks at the bottom of all measured categories of health except for acute care. We out spend all of the other countries on health care by a HUGE margin but our outcomes fall way behind. We need to look at more efficient and cost effective ways of improving our health and dealing with some of the costliest health issues and this is where chiropractic thrives. There are numerous studies that prove the cost effectiveness of chiropractic to traditional medical treatment. In a study Arnold Milstein, MD, MPH and Niteesh Choudhry, MD, PhD, of Harvard Medical School concluded, “When considering effectiveness and cost together, chiropractic physician care for low back pain and neck pain is highly cost effective, represents a good value in comparison to medical physician care and to widely accepted cost-effectiveness thresholds.” Basically Chiropractic gives you the best bang for your buck! Chiropractors, by correcting and restoring misalignments of the spine, allow the patient to heal properly from the inside out and is shown to be a very cost effective way of maintaining proper health thus saving millions of dollars. So it begs the question, do you want to pay a little now, or suffer and pay way more later?

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Whether you feel it or not, you’ve got health issues. Health issues come in all sizes and types but I believe that we can all benefit from knowing more about these next three. #1. Decide to be active in your health care, not reactive; You only have one life and one body. When you are active in your life you are trying to prevent disease. Don’t wait to feel symptoms before acting on your health. Know your genetic weaknesses. Palmer Chiropractic College finds that correcting old spinal joint misalignments from childhood falls give your body the bio mechanical strength to support you and take unnecessary stress off your muscular system. Palmer also state these corrections give neurological freedom to your nervous systems innate power to heal you and direct organ function. Balance your nutritional diet to be low in fat, sugar and carbohydrates. Void your diet of both dyes and GMO’s for healthy power. Exercise your body. It will help support your skeletal system and lubricate your joints. Our goal is to keep our immune system strong by implementing the above mentioned measures so that the body does not allow disease of any type to begin. Being preventive minded with your and your children’s healthcare will be the biggest, the best and the most cost efficient decision you’ll ever make. #2 Build an awesome team; Building a trustworthy and gifted team that you can lean on under stressful health situations is vital to your long term quality of life. Pick your doctors through family, friends and trusted doctor referrals. Discuss from bed side manor to the efficiency of the doctor. Clinic web sites are loaded with great information. Look at the doctors credentials, how long has the doctor been in practice, is the doctors school of high standards, does the doctor have any specialties. Testimonies are always great but does the doctor have five or five hundred, it says a lot. Get a second opinion from a doctor that practices a different specialty. Compare findings and then ask follow up questions. If you are going to take steps forward with care make sure you take them in the right direction from the start. What depth of care can the doctor handle and how do they handle it. If a chiropractor does not do extremities they are not able to correct half of the bony misalignments in your body. The goal here is to know exactly who to turn to for advice, care or preventive care, under any circumstance. #3 Understand your true cost of care; This issue has become ever complex and even the smartest of the smart are confused and mislead. So learn to be vigilant with this large subject. Know what your insurance really covers. This means asking your doctor or their insurance specialist what restrictions or demands may prevent them from collecting what the policy states. Signing paperwork under duress at emergency rooms and doctors offices is never recommended. Have someone with you, the health care field is ever changing in reaction to insurance reimbursement. Who’s in network and who’s not? Your primary doctor may be in network but the anesthesiologist and labs may not be. According to Consumer Reports about two-thirds of emergency room doctors are independent contractors and may not be in network. Questions are your best tool to prevent unnecessary add on tests and make sure inter office doctor referrals are needed. The National Bankruptcy Forum repeatedly states the number one cause of bankruptcy is health care bills. This fact should cause us all to take better care of ourselves and understand true cost of care. Goal, don’t let your healthcare bills ruin you. “You got this”, is a call to action to wake up and get educated about your health care. Drug prescription abuse, is not the answer. Dishonest doctors and hospitals, are not the answer. Health Insurance dependency, is not the answer. The answers are within ourselves. We must prevent high cost disease by caring for ourselves before disease can occur. We must surround ourselves with talented and honest care givers. To finish, we must lower our health care costs. A great side affect of being healthy is more money in our pocket. For a healthier and happier life, Dr. Daniel Strelcheck

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The Who, What, When, Where, and Why’s of Massage Therapy

When you’re in pain there are so many options for treatment it can be overwhelming. Advice from friends, family and the internet can make navigating treatment difficult and confusing. There are many different types of medical practitioners to choose from, all of whom claim to be the right treatment for you. I am going to cover the “who, what, when, where and why” of massage therapy. This will help you decide if massage therapy is the right treatment for you. The who- Those who practice massage therapy are licensed massage therapists or LMT’s for short. All massage therapists must be licensed in the state of Illinois. This means they have completed a rigorous training program of at least 750 hours and passed a national certification exam. LMT’s study the body and its anatomy, including muscles, bones and joints. This provides LMT’s with a vast knowledge of kinesiology, pathology and education on how to treat a wide array of patients. The what- By definition, massage therapy is the manual manipulation of soft tissue, including muscles, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments. While there are many different techniques, or methods of massage therapy, there are two main types, relaxation and rehabilitation. Relaxation massage therapy is typically practiced in a spa, resort or wellness center setting. It usually includes a full body treatment and focuses on overall stress and anxiety reduction. Rehabilitation massage therapy is typically practiced in medical clinics, hospitals and chiropractic offices. This type of massage therapy is focused around a specific injured area and works to reduce pain and improve range of motion. Both types of massage therapy offer enormous benefits to a person’s health and well-being. The when- The most difficult part about choosing treatment from any medical professional is when to go, when to finally make that call and set up the appointment. It is so difficult to know when a minor ache is going to disappear in the next couple hours, or stick around for a few months. Fortunately, massage can help with both new and chronic injuries and ailments. However, there are a few guidelines to follow. First and foremost, if you are under the care of a doctor it is important to get the “okay” from them first. Secondly, if you have had any type of trauma, it is a good idea to get checked out by a doctor before coming to a massage therapist. For example, if you’ve fallen down the stairs, been in a car accident or slipped and hit your head, your first step should be to see your doctor. Also, if you have any active swelling in a new injury, you are not quite ready for massage yet. For example, if you twisted your ankle 24 hours ago and are experiencing swelling, redness and heat, hold off on massage. Other than that, the sooner the better! I always explain to my patients that the longer you’ve been in pain, the longer it takes to return the body to normal working order. The where- Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic has been in the community for almost 60 years. Not only do we employ skilled massage therapists, we also have 2 experienced chiropractic doctors and a physical therapy department. This means we are able to offer a total body approach, massage to loosen the muscles, chiropractic care to return the bones to their proper alignment and physical therapy to strengthen the muscles. At Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic our motto is “feel great, get moving again, live life again,” and the first step of that can be through massage therapy. We offer many different massage therapy modalities including Swedish relaxation, deep tissue, trigger point therapy, myofascial release and raindrop therapy. The why- The ‘why’ of massage therapy is the most important part! I get asked all the time “what does massage do?” An easier question would be “what doesn’t massage do?” Massage therapy offers physical, emotional and mental benefits to patients of all ages. Everyone knows that massage therapy helps release tension and relax tight muscles. It is a great modality for sports injuries, sprains and strains and chronic pain. It also helps improve posture and prevent overuse injuries. What many don’t know, however, is that massage therapy is amazing for treatment of depression, anxiety and stress. Other indications for massage therapy include insomnia, fibromyalgia, headaches and digestive disorders. Massage is also shown to improve cardiovascular health and lower blood pressure. So if you’re asking yourself if massage therapy would be beneficial to you, the answer is (almost) always “yes!” Our massage therapists at Strelcheck Chiropractic clinic would love to answer any further questions you have and get you feeling great again, moving again and living life again! By Candace Gardner LMT

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