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Improve Your Quality of Life

Older Adults: Improve Your Quality of Life Chiropractic care contributes to improved quality of life for older adults. As evidence, simply compare the list of common medical conditions among those in their mid-60s and beyond to the list of the benefits of routine visits to a chiropractor. They look a lot alike. For instance, the World Health Organization reports that common health conditions among seniors include neck and back pain, osteoarthritis, and depression. Others include vertigo and cancer. Meanwhile, the chiropractic community across the web touts their ability to combat those exact same sources of chronic and acute pain, some of which result in immobility and loss of strength due to lack of physical activity. For older adults looking to enhance their quality of life, all it takes is trust in the local spinal alignment specialist to not only treat but also prevent pain and discomfort throughout the body. What is Quality of Life? Quality of life is an abstract concept; it means something different to everyone depending on his or her experiences, dreams, and age. In an effort to peg a definition of “quality of life” among older adults, consider the U.S. News and World Report article detailing how retirees ages 65 and older spend their time. According to the report, retirees spend approximately two and a half hours a day on home improvements, such as housework, gardening, and food preparation. They spend nearly one hour every day shopping, 45 minutes socializing, and 30 minutes volunteering. Retirees also exercise about 22 minutes a day. Other activities include relaxing, watching television, and bathing and dressing. Similarly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that among adults aged 65 years and older, “walking and gardening or yard work are, by far, the most popular physical activities.” Not to mention playing with grandchildren. These activities require bending over, balancing, standing for periods of time, and raising arms overhead to pull on a shirt. Though seemingly simple movements, for older adults they are not necessarily pain-free. Meanwhile, the CDC expresses the importance of regular physical activity among older adults. So, how do older adults both conquer the pain and stay active and healthy to maintain a high quality of life? This is where natural healthcare provided by a chiropractor can help. Common Medical Conditions Among Older Adults Chiropractors believe many older adults can live a normal life without being overly protective of their bodies if they commit to treating and preventing pain that comes with age. They can achieve this with the help of regular visits to the chiropractor. In fact, an estimated 14% of patients treated by U.S. chiropractors are 65 and older, according to a study on PubMed Central, a journal archive of the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine. While the most common reason they seek treatment is to address musculoskeletal pain, chiropractors employ an intervention called spinal manipulative therapy to address symptoms of a range of conditions, including: Lower back pain Upper back pain Neck pain Knee pain Dizziness Depression Constipation Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Parkinson’s disease Multiple sclerosis Pneumonia Urinary incontinence Osteoarthritis Although chiropractors are most commonly known for their expertise in spinal manipulative therapy, they also are uniquely qualified to address the patient as a whole. For instance, more than 90% of chiropractors report providing nutritional advice and recommend nutritional supplements, according to the PubMed Central report. Most also recommend therapeutic exercises and advise patients to engage in physical activity. Chiropractors are concerned about the big picture of their patients’ health and wellbeing. Improving Quality of Life with Chiropractic Care When older adults place trust in a chiropractor, they can work together to create an individualized, safe plan to help them meet their quality of life expectations. Here are some of the benefits of regular chiropractic care: Mobility restoration through improved flexibility, join alignment, and alleviation of tight muscles. Improved muscle strength and range of motion through strengthening exercises to target weak muscles. Long-term pain relief, including pain associated with osteoarthritis and general inflammation. Lower risk of injury, including fractures. Improved balance, reducing risk of falls. Higher levels of energy due to improved sleep quality and mood. Additional years of free, independent living. In fact, a study by Dr. Ian Coulter found that older adults who receive chiropractic care are much less likely to move to a nursing home (5% of those who had chiropractic care vs. 48% of those who did not) and experienced fewer hospital stays (lifegivingchiro.com). Older adults who choose a chiropractor, like Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic, appreciate the impact of this alternative and natural approach to treating and preventing pain that often comes with aging. Even though they may only seek to treat one particular area of their body, the results are felt everywhere and improve overall quality of life.

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Lower Back Pain. What if…?

As the seasons change toward warmer weather, it is inevitable, we start to see an increase in lower back injuries due to new activities such as yardwork and spring cleaning. But what if I told you your lowback pain wasn’t coming from your lowback?  There are actually two different areas that cause most of the lowback pain we see today. The first area is what is commonly referred to as your lowback.  It is the lumbar spine, which is the area from the bottom of your ribcage to the top of tailbone.  Pain in this area can start for many different reasons due to the complex nature and the shear amount of different muscles, ligaments and joints involved in the structure and movement of your body’s core.  What you feel can range from a dull ache to a stabbing or shooting sensation.  You may have shooting pain or numbness, not be able to move or stand up straight. Sudden back pain comes on, often after an injury from sports or heavy lifting and any pain and can be very serious.  Any pain that lasts more than three months is considered chronic and needs to be treated to prevent long term damage. The second area, and the one that can be an underlying cause to your lumbar back pain, is your sacroiliac joint or SI joints. There are two of them in your lower back, they sit on each side of your spine and connect the three bones of your pelvis. Their main job is to carry the weight of your upper body when you stand or walk and shift that load to your legs. The pain could be a dull or sharp. It starts at your SI joint, but it can move to your glutes, thighs, or upper back.  Often standing from a seated position triggers the pain, and a lot of times you feel it only on one side of your lower back. You may notice that it bothers you more in the morning and gets better during the day. Right now it is said to cause about 15%-30% of lowback pain cases, but in my experience that number is way too low. The causes can range from pregnancy, sports, a fall or from an activity that causes repetitive stress.  Like jogging or even sitting for long periods of time repeatedly. These activities cause injury to the ligaments that hold your SI joint together, which may lead to pain and compensation through the spine from your lowback to your neck.  This compensation creates areas of higher stress through the body which can lead to injury including muscle strain and spinal disc injury. Now the doctors here at Strelcheck Chiropractic practice a rare and specific technique to deal with the SI joint issue called SOT.   SOT offers very specific treatment protocols that are important for pelvic (SI) stabilization, and is extremely effective.  It reduces not only the back pain but the compensations that occur through the body because of it.  Leading to a healthy and pain free you. Whatever the reason for your low back pain, we can and will get to the bottom of it to restore you to good health!

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Headaches. What if…?

What if I told you there was a better way.  A way to lessen and resolve many of your issues that was safe, effective and didn’t involve polluting your body with drugs?  Would you be interested? I am embarking on a series of articles to explain the chiropractic approach to some of todays most common and debilitating conditions that people suffer from.   So with my first one I figured I would start at the top literally and figuratively with headaches. Research shows 9 out of ten people suffer from some form of headaches and they can range from primary headaches, which tend to be more severe and debilitating such as migraines and cluster headaches, to Secondary headaches which basically mean headache symptoms can be attributed to another cause.  Theses causes can range from tension, due to stress and teeth grinding, to having a hangover. How can chiropractic help?  The first step for the chiropractor is to determine the type and cause of the person’s headaches because due to the underlying causes the approach may differ.  Primary headaches are singular issues caused directly by problems with the structures in the head and neck that are reactive and pain sensitive.  This includes the blood vessels, muscles, and nerves of the head and neck. They may also result from changes in chemical activity in the brain.  With the vast number of causes of secondary headaches it is extremely important to understand the how and why of these mechanisms, to eliminate or minimize these causes.  The first step in treatment is the chiropractic adjustment. The purpose of all chiropractic adjustments is to improve spinal and body function by alleviating the stress on your nervous system, by realigning the vertebral subluxation or misalignment of the spine.  This is extremely important in patients with headaches because the pressure exerted on the spine, due to misalignments in the neck and head, interferes with that optimal function of the body.  This is a mechanical compression and irritation to spine, nerves and spinal joints which interrupts the nerve signals that lead to improper functioning of the body and its systems, which and can trigger or exacerbate the persons headaches. After suffering with migraine headaches since the age of eleven and seeing significant relief with traditional chiropractic treatment when I went to chiropractic school I researched ways to improve my headache outcomes even further and that’s when I found the SOT and Cranial techniques that I practice today.  With this technique we use specific treatment protocols through our pelvic and cranial adjusting, which includes the TMJ, to even further relieve the headache symptoms. Our gentle and specific approach to realignment of the head and neck has shown to be extremely effective at relieving all kinds of headaches.  As a migraine sufferer myself I cannot stress enough that you don’t have to live with these headaches or poison your body.  We can help!

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chiropractic care - all in my head

Is it all in my head?

Have you ever been told it’s all in your head or there is nothing we can do for you?  In my yeas as a chiropractor I have been told by numerous new patients about all of the doctors and therapist that they have seen to no avail, that we were their last hope or the end of the line. That they don’t know what else to do, they just need help.  These are the patients I love to treat.   Helping someone regain their life when they had been told or felt they couldn’t get better is one of the things that drives me and I want to bring that hope here today. To understand how we take someone from the point of believing there is virtually no hope to feeling well again you need to understand what chiropractic does.  Chiropractic is proactive and allows the body to be able to express its full healing potential.  At its core it is based on the principle that the body and only the body can heal itself.  It has all the tools to heal and function at its optimum level. However, there can be interference in this process that disrupts the nerve signals from the brain which are then altered or interrupted due to pressure on the nerves. This pressure is due to misalignments of the spine, known to us as subluxations.  As a chiropractor I correct and restore the subluxations allowing the patient to heal properly from the inside out thus reducing their symptoms naturally.  You see, it is the proper alignment of the spine and joints of the body that is the key to health. Now we here at Strelcheck Chiropractic we dive in even a little bit further with the SOT, which we specialize in, that works on realigning and stabilizing the joins of the pelvis known as your SI joints.  When the SI joint is either misaligned or injured, the imbalance this causes relays a domino effect of compensation through the body.  This causes the body to breakdown faster and eventually biomechanical issues, pain and internal problems start to show up.   You see, the pelvis is the foundation of our body by connecting our legs to our torso.  So when your body has to compensate for the SI structural weakness, this causes compensation through the body that leads to the vertebral misalignments and interference of the body’s nerve signals. By restoring pelvic stability and proper nerve flow we allow the body to heal itself and return you to a much improved state of well-being.  It is this combination that gives us the ability to help those that have not seen results before.  If you think or been told that there is nothing more you can do, please give us a chance to hopefully prove that wrong!

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