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Strelcheck Sponsors Popular Community Events

Strelcheck Chiropractic proudly advocates for chiropractic treatment, preventive care and wellness. We are happy to support many local community events. Please visit us at these upcoming community events: McHenry County Fair 2015 McHenry County Fair Homemade-Homegrown Aug 5th-9th Country Club Road in Woodstock, IL 60098. 1/4 of a mile east of Rte 47 on Country Club Road on the North side of the road. Across the street from the Woodstock Post Office. Senior Fair Senior fair is Wednesday, August 12 from 8 – 1:30pm at McHenry County College, 8900 US Highway 14, Crystal Lake. Dr. Daniel Strelcheck is speaking at 9:30am on “Save your arthritic joints before risky surgery”.

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5 Steps to Managing Arthritis

According to the Arthritis Foundation, one in five adults live with some form of diagnosed arthritis (osteo or auto-immune), and approximately 60 percent of those people are under the age of 60. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the country, leading to $128 billion in medical expenses each year. Dr. Daniel Strelcheck, Jr. knows a great deal about arthritis. He owns Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic, 10 N. Virginia St. /Rt. 14., Crystal Lake, which his father, Dr., Daniel Strelcheck, Sr., founded in 1958. Strelcheck Sr., spent five decades treating patients who suffered from headaches, back pain, and other health ailments. In 2013, the elder Dr. Strelcheck was selected as medical honoree for the Arthritis Foundation’s Fox Valley Arthritis Walk. “I have seen some of the most arthritic senior patients in our society who’ve been able to rehabilitate themselves, so that they continue to live with the freedoms that they enjoy,” says Strelcheck Jr. “By far, osteoarthritis is the largest category that affects the majority of people because of the wear and tear on the joints. Everyone will get osteoarthritis in their joints at some point but you will get it faster if your joints are misaligned. Many times, we can put the joint back in place and the pain goes away or substantially decreases. The quicker you get your joints aligned, the sooner they slow down the aging process or osteoarthritis. That’s why chiropractic care from childhood is so important. People are starting to figure out that the better we take care of ourselves when we’re younger, the better our quality of life is later. 1. Align Your Joints The most important thing is- no matter how old you are- is to keep your body in alignment. This will help slow down osteoarthritis. Chiropractors are the only licensed health care professionals that can treat a subluxation, but you can aid in your alignment and increase your range of motion by strengthening your upper and lower back muscles and getting orthotics or shoe inserts. Correct rounded shoulders by strengthening your upper back muscles and stretching your chest. Correct an over-arched lower back by strengthening your abdominal muscles and stretching your lower back muscles. For lower body alignment problems, possible solutions include orthotics or shoe inserts, and exercise to strengthen your lower body muscles. When you get the joints aligned, it moves and works better and that increases range of motion. 2. Get Plenty of Exercise The old adage move it or lose it is important to an osteo- arthritis patient. Mobility exercises help increase the range of motion so that the joints oil themselves with synovial fluid. Dr. Strelcheck recommends exercise within the range of motion of the joints such as swimming, walking, yoga and stretching. “They all give you good range of motion,” he says. “Always check with your physician for some do’s and don’t before starting an exercise program of your choice,” he states. 3. Increase Area Bloodflow It’s important to increase blood flow to the arthritic area to wash away any of the arthritic elements. When you get it oiled it’s easier to get blood flowing to clean out the joints and bring new nutrients into the joints. “Specific massage works the area,” he says. “Paraffin bath or wax bath will work too.” 4. Consider helpful anti-inflammatory methods. When you have arthritis, you want to calm down the inflammation. The itis in osteoarthritis means inflammation. When a joint is inflamed, it needs to calm down. Dr. Strelcheck suggests using ice 20 minutes on in one hour intervals or in more severe cases anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or sterioid/cortisone shot may be used. “Arthritic patients should use heat in the morning, and have that blood flow increase to wake up the joints so they can live their daily life,” says Dr. Strelcheck. “All day long they aggravate the arthritis because they’re moving. Everything is designed to make your life more livable so you don’t have to deal with the pain and discomfort that comes with age.” 5. Choose a chiropractor wisely Find a chiropractor that takes x-rays, which can should how severe your osteoarthritis really is. Not all chiropractors take x-rays. “It’s very important when searching for a doctor, that he or she takes x-rays, along with a full physical exam,” Dr. Strelcheck says. “The doctor should be able to create a treatment plan that will be beneficial to the patient long term. The degree of arthritis is quite identifiable on an x-ray.” Look for a chiropractor, he adds, whose facility includes a multi-disciplinary clinic with massage and physical therapy departments. Living with arthritis is never easy, but there are ways to make life more enjoyable thanks to a few practical tips.

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Coping With Cancer

Undergoing cancer treatment is incredibly stressful on the human mind and body. For some, the battle in the mind is nearly as difficult as the battle in the body, with the anxiety triggered by the need for tests, an MRI or biopsy. Diagnosis, prognosis and treatment continue the toll on the mind and as feelings of fear, hopelessness and lack of control impact the patient, family and friends. As the body endures chemotherapy, radiation or surgical procedures to eliminate fast growing malignant cells those same procedures also break down fast growing healthy cells. Side effects from treatment vary based upon the type of cancer, stage, location and other factors. The most common physical side effects include nausea, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, hair loss, nerve damage, mouth sores and musculoskeletal pain. While the body struggles to heal, a variety of supportive measures are necessary to help the patient cope with cancers’ devastating impact. The right combination of support enables the continuation of treatment, reduces symptoms, rebuilds strength and restores hope. For this reason, a growing number of cancer treatment specialists incorporate complementary alternative medicine (CAM) as part of patient treatment plans. This practice is referred to as integrative oncology. Integrative oncology incorporates traditional cancer treatments; chemotherapy, radiation or surgical procedures, with non-curative support therapies, like chiropractic, massage, nutritional supplementation and acupuncture. Chiropractic is one of the most widely accepted complementary alternative medicines that help pain conditions of the musculoskeletal system. The greater majority of chiropractic treatment directly serves back pain, joint stiffness or range of motion and neck problems, however, chiropractic also concerns the effects musculoskeletal problems have on the nervous system and whole body health. I discovered the concept of integrated oncology while treating a patient for pain and nausea symptoms resulting from cancer treatment. This particular patient was otherwise athletic and on the go, however, surgery and treatment left him exhausted, sitting more than usual and aching all over. After consulting with his primary physician, I prescribed a series of massage, mild stretching exercises and non force chiropractic techniques into his treatment plan. The combination helped to reduce the unbearable pain and discomfort in his shoulders, neck and hips, allowing him to move, walk, sleep and function with greater ease and comfort. While pharmaceutical drugs to manage pain, side effects or symptoms are always an obvious choice, they carry additional side effects and potential for dependency. In my experience, those that battle cancer often express the need to be actively involved in the fight to regain their health. I believe it gives people a sense of control and confidence. Chiropractic is not for all cancer patients and requires both consultation and caution to determine those that are candidates. If you have been diagnosed with cancer or are undergoing treatment, speak with your primary care physician or oncologist to learn about options for support therapies like chiropractic. Once a candidate, your chiropractor usually begin with a comprehensive history, review of symptoms you may be experiencing and examination of your spine and posture followed by recommendations for chiropractic treatment plan.

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8 Tips to Getting the Water You Need…

How important is water? You could survive for days without food in the hottest climate, but go without water for a day or less, and you could be in serious trouble. That’s important to know, especially in summer! Here’s why you need eight glasses of water of 8 ounces a day- and how to get it. Why: Water is critical to the way your body functions, ranking just behind oxygen in importance. Bones are 22 percent water, blood is 92 percent water, and the brain is 75 percent water. Water helps convert food into energy, cool the body, carry away waste, and metabolize fat among many other duties. We rely on thousands of gallons of water each day to survive- it takes an estimated 4,533 gallons just to produce food for our three meals. Water is essential to proper body functioning and good health! The first sign of dehyration is cloudy and/or dark urine, and is sometimes accompanied by discomfort when urinating. Mild or moderate dehydration can result in nausea, headaches, dizziness and muscle cramps. More severe dehydration leads to a shut down of the body’s temperature-regulating system- the skin becomes flushed and clammy, sweating ultimately stops, the lips and tongue grow dry, and the body’s temperature rises. Not good!!! Those most susceptible to dehydration are children, the elderly, athletes, and those whose jobs require constant outdoor work. How: Drink Up! To keep pace with the average amount of water you lose each day, you need to drink 64 ounces. That’s about three and a half of those popular 1.5 liter bottle or eight ounce glasses daily. Make time to drink, and develop a few habit that will keep you in good health. Here are some tips that should be helpful: 1. Develop a “water plan”. Stash a bottle in your car or desk- place one beside you while you garden- and wherever you find yourself for extended periods during the day. Get into the habit of carrying a bottle of water with you wherever you go. 2. As a general rule, drink more than you think you need. One of the best indicators of adequate hydration is frequent urination of a pale, straw color. 3. Chilled water is more quickly absorbed into muscles and other tissues since it leaves the stomach at a faster rate than room temperature water. 4. You can lose three or more quarts of water during exercise. Before working out, drink 4-8 ounces for every 20 minutes of exercise. Sports drinks are important for electrolyte replacement if you are involved in intense exercise or are an athlete, but usually water will suffice. Be aware that sports drinks contain extra sugar and calories, which are better obtained from whole foods. 5. Don’t wait until you are thirsty to begin drinking! Your thirst body mechanism is not very sensitive and may not kick in until dehydration becomes serious. In face, you can lose up to 2% of your body weight before you feel thirsty. For a 150 pound person, that would equal 3 pounds of fluid loss. 6. Caffeinated beverages act as diuretics, as well as alcohol, so you should follow them with a water chaser. Americans drink an average of two cans of soft drinks and three to four cups of coffee each day. Even decaffeinated coffee and sodas are not as good for you as pure water- realize that any carbonated beverage, with or without caffeine make you feel bloated and you may not drink enough for proper hydration. 7. Fruit juices are good, but should not replace water. They contain a high amount of calories. There are 60 calories in just half a cup of apple juice. On the plus side though, fruit juice contain vitamins and minerals, along with carbohydrates for energy. The high sugar content may slow down absorption, so it is not the best choice when looking for immediate hydration. Also fruit juices may case stomach aches if consumed in too high a quantity. 8. Children can become dehydrated more quickly than adults because they seldom think to drink enough. Have your child take water breaks every 20 minutes while playing outdoors. Children often like cold water- so try buying fun colored water bottles, freeze them 1/2 full- then fill them with water in the morning for the kids to cary around during the day. What else could you consume as much as you want, with no fat or cholesterol and is so healthy for you? So drink up!

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