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6 Benefits of Chiropractic Care You Might Not Know

6 Benefits of Chiropractic Care You Might Not Know Ask a person what comes to mind when she thinks of a chiropractor, and it is highly likely she will respond with, “Someone who fixes my back.”  The truth is chiropractors offer many more health benefits than repairing an out-of-sorts back. In fact, Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic treats at least 25 different conditions.  Even the most devoted of patients might not realize that their practitioner can solve more riddles than the one behind their back and neck pain. 1. Full Body Pain Relief Performing spinal adjustments, chiropractors restore the natural positioning and functioning of the vertebrae, thereby reducing pain. They are best known for their healing power when it comes to back and neck pain. However, a chiropractor’s skill with his most valued tool — his hands — can address far more than that. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Many patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome seek chiropractic care. By adjusting the bones within the arms, wrists, and hands, chiropractors can relieve the source of the pain and tingling: compression on the carpal nerves within the wrist. Headaches Believe it or not, more than 200 studies support chiropractic care as a natural, effective alternative to medication for treating headaches, including sinus, tension, and migraine headaches. In fact, headaches often are the result of back misalignment, which causes muscle tension and pain. Sciatica The sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body, runs from the lower spine, through the buttocks, and down into the thigh and lower leg. Sciatica refers to irritation along that path of the body caused by a damaged or pressured sciatic nerve. Sciatica sufferers might feel numbness, tingling, burning, or shooting pain from simple motions such as walking or sitting. Chiropractors provide leg treatment to relieve this pain. 2. Blood Pressure Control Nearly half of U.S. adults have hypertension, or high blood pressure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Studies support that chiropractic care is a natural, effective alternative to address this common health condition (patients with low blood pressure, too). Additionally, the effects of spinal adjustment persist for six months after the treatment.  Patients who seek chiropractic care also avoid negative side effects of high blood pressure medications, including fatigue, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, and weight loss.  3. Inflammation Reduction As experts in spinal engineering, chiropractors use their methods to reduce inflammation. Because inflammation is one of the lead causes of pain, joint issues, and tension, this is a benefit enjoyed by athletes and others who value staying active and healthy.  Regular visits to the chiropractor also helps patients avoid injury, speed the recovery process, and increase range of motion. 4. Immune System Protection A chiropractor knows that everything is connected when it comes to a properly functioning body. Misalignment of the spine may even disrupt a healthy nervous system, weakening the body’s immune system and its efforts to ward off viral and bacterial infections. A chiropractor can restore function to nerves to ensure cells are operating the way they ought to. 5. Stronger Digestive Health Again, everything is connected. A bad back might be damaging to your digestive health. Chiropractors address common digestive problems, such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and acid reflux, through spinal manipulation. However, many also double as your nutrition and fitness advisor, issuing expert exercise and dietary guidance to help you improve your digestive health. 6. Happier Version of You Pain and discomfort can lead to dissatisfaction with quality of life. Making your body a priority by visiting a chiropractor regularly also benefits the mind and soul. Patients have reported improved sleep quality, less stress, more energy, a calmer mind, and the ability to relax.  Experience all of the benefits a chiropractor has to offer. In addition to improving health and wellness, following the path of a chiropractor is a natural, less costly, and less invasive route to taking care of your mind, body, and soul. For a complete list of health and wellness benefits we offer at Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic, please visit the Conditions Treated tab on our website or call us at 815-459-3860.  Sources https://lehighvalleychiropractic.com/headache/migraine-headache/chiropractic-and-migraines-what-the-research-shows/ https://vancouverbackpain.com/reasons-to-see-a-chiropractor/ https://www.piercechiropractic.net/blog/top-10-benefits-of-getting-a-chiropractic-adjustment https://www.mcgowansrc.com/blog/10-unexpected-benefits-of-chiropractic-care https://www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/news/20070316/chiropractic-cuts-blood-pressure#1 https://www.cdc.gov/bloodpressure/facts.htm https://www.healthsourcechiro.com/healthy-living/21-benefits-of-chiropractic-adjustments/#gref

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Chiropractic: The Greatest Value in Healthcare

Save Money at the Chiropractor With healthcare costs rising in the country, patients seeking the greatest return on investment to address their neck, back and extremity pain can turn to chiropractors. This is because chiropractors treat the cause of the pain, which results in a more sustainable, less costly solution compared to visiting a medical physician. Most initial exam costs are approximately $100-$120 and treatments are $50-$75. Average treatment plans depending on diagnoses, severity, age, arthritis, etc. can range from 4-12 visits. Harvard Medical School reports that low back pain costs up to $200 billion a year in the United States, including costs of care and missed work. In fact, back pain accounts for more than 264 million lost work days in one year, or two work days for every full-time worker in the country, according to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). Low back pain also is a leading cause of disability worldwide. The 31 million Americans experiencing back pain right now would benefit with the help of a chiropractor. So would their wallets. A Cost-Effective Approach to Managing Spine Pain Studies suggest that patients who visit a chiropractor will save healthcare dollars short and long term. The ACA cites 30 studies on the matter, each which “consistently shows that patients with low back and neck pain who are treated by chiropractors have lower or at least similar costs than those seeking care from other providers.” One study from 2012 tracked more than 12,000 patients with low back and neck pain who sought complementary and integrative health care (CIH) such as chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, and herbalism. When compared to non-users, spine care costs were $526 lower and total health care costs were $298 lower. Another example is a 2015 systematic review comparing the costs of chiropractic care to other interventions for spine pain in the United States, published by the National Library of Medicine. The review of 25 eligible studies concluded that “health care costs may be somewhat lower when spine pain is managed with chiropractic care in the U.S.” The review also suggests the reasons why chiropractors are a more cost-effective approach to managing spine pain: lower fees for office visits lower referral rates to spine-invasive specialists or surgeons and scope of practice limitations related to high-cost medications, injections, and surgery. Chiropractors pride themselves on “Natural Care.” Instead, they use non-invasive leverage techniques and, if needed, physical therapy to restore proper joint function. This type of care most often saves patients from highly addictive opioids, steroids and invasive hospitalizing surgeries. Chiropractic Methods Work The federal Agency for Health Care Research and Quality recommends that low back pain sufferers choose the most conservative professional care first, such as spinal manipulation. Both Harvard Health Publishing and ACA cite a 2018 study published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) Network Open in support of the effectiveness of chiropractic care. The study of 750 active-duty military personnel who complained of back pain shows that “chiropractic care combined with usual medical care for low back pain provides greater pain relief and a greater reduction in disability than medical care alone.” According to the study, after six weeks of treatment, those assigned to receive chiropractic care: reported less pain intensity experienced less disability and more improvement in function reported higher satisfaction with their treatment needed less pain medicine Paying for Chiropractic Care Insurance coverage for chiropractic care is common. Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic, for example, is a provider for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois PPO, CIGNA, AETNA, and United Healthcare, and they process Medicare and Veterans Administration programs. Strelcheck also offers several payment options to patients without insurance coverage or with limited coverage. “We try to eliminate any financial barriers to people so they can get pain free, stress free,” Dr. Strelcheck says. Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic was established in 1958 and is an experienced, advanced technique, second generation, non-frill Clinic. Its doctors are Palmer College graduates that practice a gentle but effective style of care. “We are here to serve the public, not take advantage of them,” Dr. Strelcheck says.  

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Healthy Spine, Healthy Gut

August is Gastroparesis Awareness Month and a good reminder to make digestive health a priority. Gastroparesis is a disorder in which the stomach takes too long to empty food. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, malnutrition, and feeling easily full. Although gastroparesis is rare, gastrointestinal health problems are common. In fact, 60-70 million people in the U.S. are affected by digestive diseases, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Some of the more prevalent digestive-related diseases and symptoms include Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Chronic Constipation Abdominal Pain Crohn’s Disease Irritable Bowel Syndrome These often lead to ambulatory care, hospitalization and millions of dollars in prescriptions nationally. No matter what type of gastrointestinal issue you are battling, regular chiropractic care may improve your digestive health. Reduce Flare-ups and Chronic Suffering Gastrointestinal conditions have many causes, such as a food allergy or disease. Gastroparesis, for example, may be caused by diabetes or postsurgical complications. Muscle tension in your abdomen resulting from stress or other reasons can also contribute to digestive problems. Even if the cause of symptoms is unclear, a chiropractor can help. This is because the digestive and nervous systems are connected. The misalignment of certain parts of the spine may interfere with nerve function, therefore preventing proper digestion. Spinal manipulation performed by a chiropractor corrects this problem, relieving pressure on your nerves, joints, and muscles and reducing inflammation. Enjoy meals. Maintain your energy level. Reduce your dependence on medications. Stop suffering. Trust a chiropractor to work with you on improving your digestive health.   Sources: http://www.atlanticchirofl.com/blog/172877-chiropractic-and-gut-health https://chiropractoratlanta.com/chiropractic-care-gastroparesis/ https://www.healthline.com/health/gastroparesis https://www.thejoint.com/texas/dallas/casa-linda-28074/how-chiropractic-care-can-ease-digestive-problems

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Back to School Tips for a Healthy School Year

Back to School Tips for a Healthy School Year Kids like to pretend they are Batman or Black Widow, performing jaw-dropping jumps off the school playground equipment. They demonstrate their Incredible Hulk strength by lifting their 12-pound backpacks overhead. After recess, they resume their normal identities, sitting at a desk or table for roughly 65 percent of their day. Although children are resilient, even these little superheroes can experience disruption in their day-to-day due to lower back pain caused by those activities. Here are a few tips from your friendly neighborhood chiropractor for keeping childrens’ backs and general health in tip-top condition for Back to School season. Pick the Right Backpack Backpacks help children tote school supplies, books, and laptops to and from school. While some kids visit their locker to unload the burden throughout the day, many avoid it to save time shuffling from class to class. What suffers? Their backs. A heavy and/or improperly worn backpack can pull on the neck muscles, contributing to headache, shoulder pain, lower back pain, and more. It can also cause a child to lean forward, reducing balance and increasing the risk of a fall. Here are a few ways to help children make healthy decisions about their backpacks: Choose a backpack made of durable material with additional padding in the lower back area and shoulder straps. Show your child how to properly pack their backpack. Heavier items, like books, should go closest to the body. Also, make use of the multiple compartments to distribute the weight more evenly. The American Chiropractic Association advises that children should never carry more than 5-10 percent of their total body weight. That’s 10 pounds for a 100-pound child. Use both shoulder straps and make sure they are tightened so the load is snug to their body and not hanging more than a couple of inches below their waist. Have your child practice bending using both knees rather than at the waist when wearing or lifting a heavy backpack. Encourage your child to use their locker to store items they do not need. Or, they can carry some items in their arms. Practice Good Posture While Sitting Children spend approximately five or six hours sitting while at school, which can lead to lower back pain. According to Cornell University Department of Ergonomics, up to 90 percent more pressure is put on your back when you sit vs. when you stand. Additionally, many children probably do not practice good posture during their time in a chair. Coach them to protect their backs at school by following these tips: Move books and screens to eye level rather than tipping their head forward to see. Keep their back against the back of the chair. Avoid rolling shoulders forward or leaning forward from the lower back. Keep feet flat on the floor. Take a movement break every 30 minutes. Make Sleep a Priority Children ages 3-5 years old require between 10-13 hours of sleep, and ages 6-12 require 9-12 hours of sleep. When a child gets an adequate amount of sleep regularly, they experience improved: attention behavior learning memory overall mental and physical health Prioritizing a consistent bedtime along with enough sleep can help children avoid high blood pressure, obesity, and even depression. Children experiencing difficulty sleeping might benefit from a visit to the chiropractor to check on spinal misalignment, a common cause of sleep discomfort. Build a Stronger Immune System With a chiropractor’s expertise in maintaining a healthy nervous system comes an improved immune system, offering stronger protection against the common cold, the flu, and other illnesses. Chiropractors’ full-body approach also lays a foundation for regular exercise, healthy eating, and a healthy overall lifestyle in children. According to one chiropractor quoted by ACA, “As a chiropractor, the adjustments we do are great, powerful and can be life-changing,” she says. “But there are other aspects to a conservative first approach to health care that are particularly important for kids: focusing on adequate nutrition, sleep and physical activity. Parents are looking for answers besides putting their kids on more drugs. This is a great gift that we have to offer our children.” Sources: https://www.startstanding.org/sitting-back-pain/#common https://www.reinhardtchiropractic.com/blog/back-to-school-back-pain/ https://www.acatoday.org/News-Publications/ACA-News-Archive/ArtMID/5721/ArticleID/165/Safety-and-Effectiveness-of-Pediatric-Chiropractic https://www.richmondspinepain.com/blog/back-to-school-backpack-safety https://www.hopkinsallchildrens.org/ACH-News/General-News/The-importance-of-sleep-for-kids https://www.spine-health.com/wellness/ergonomics/backpacks-and-back-pain-children https://shieldschiropractic.net/blog/is-chiropractic-care-on-your-back-to-school-list https://www.truerootschiro.com/blog/back-to-school-chiropractic-tips   Additional Notes Chiropractic Care is Safe and Effective for Kids Chiropractic care is predicated on safety – this includes child chiropractic care. Chiropractors also tend to embrace a holistic health perspective, emphasizing natural, drug-free, non-surgical treatments, and healthy lifestyle changes. American Chiropractic Association: For every 100 children you see, at least three of them have probably visited a doctor of chiropractic at least once. According to a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 3 percent of children have been treated with chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation. https://www.acatoday.org/News-Publications/ACA-News-Archive/ArtMID/5721/ArticleID/165/Safety-and-Effectiveness-of-Pediatric-Chiropractic

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