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Lifelong Habits You Should Start Now

No matter how old you are, if you hope to be energetic and healthy later in life, you need to commit to some anti-aging habits now. Health conditions that coincide with age — such as joint pain, stiffness, immobility, gastrointestinal issues, weight gain, energy and memory loss — can be anticipated and bypassed, sometimes literally, with consistent preventive care. While research supports these theories, the most profound endorsement about the effect that wellness has on aging is a real-life scenario. Just think about people you know that really takes care of themselves. They’re more energetic, resilient and upbeat — naturally. Joe and I met when his wife became my patient. She, like many modern-thinking moms-to-be, was getting massage and chiropractic adjustments to help offset the discomforts of pregnancy. Joe and I started talking about the upcoming birth of their first child when he mentioned that it caused him to take stock of his life and health. Suddenly, he was concerned about what his health might be like during the next 10 to 15 years and beyond. That’s a normal, human response and a realistic fear. So, we sat down and I explained the role that chiropractic could have on maintaining his good health, instead of waiting for symptoms associated with age to occur. I also urged him to commit to a few, but important, lifelong habits and to consider them his “prescription” for long-term health. Chiropractic Care And Long-Term Health Chiropractic care focuses on the detection and correction of misalignments of the spine and its related structures. The bony segments, also known as vertebrae, are stacked on top of each other and make up the spinal column. The nerves, or central nervous system, control the entire body and are located in the center of the spinal column all the way up to the brain. Consider what happens if any segment of the spine is damaged or misaligned from a car crash, diving into a pool or an everyday slip-and- fall accident. The damage limits the signals from the brain to other areas of the body, resulting in impaired function of organs such as the bladder and bowel. Symptoms can include numbness, headaches, ringing in the ears and more. Logically, it can be concluded that a spine that is aligned will enable the central nervous system to function properly and keep the body working at its optimum level. The additional benefits include limber joints, better function of all major systems and organs, adequate range of motion and freedom from pain. Routine chiropractic care is no different than regular cleaning and check ups for your teeth. That said, utilizing chiropractic care to preserve your health is like driving with a seatbelt. It will protect your life, but it does not give you a license to drive recklessly. You’ll still need to eat right, refrain from alcohol and tobacco use and exercise frequently. Not surprisingly, I share the benefits of chiropractic care with nearly everyone I meet. I do so because I have personally enjoyed its benefits and have witnessed its impact on the lives and health of many. It’s truly inspiring to see how the body responds to consistent, basic care, proper nutrition, adequate movement and rest.

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Natural Relief for TMJ With Chiropractic

Do you hear clicking when you chew? Are you experiencing ringing in the ears or get frequent headaches? If so, you may be suffering from TMJ Disorder. More than 35 million people in the U.S. struggle with this disorder. TMJ refers to the chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, which connects the jaw to the skull. There are two matching temporomandibular joints, one on each side of your head, located just in front of your ears. The abbreviation “TMJ” literally refers to the jaw joint but is often used to mean any disorders or symptoms of this region. It is surrounded by 68 pairs of muscles in front of the ear on each side of the head. They allow you to chew, yawn, speak and swallow and are in constant use. Symptoms TMJ Disorder can start with a variety of symptoms that stem from prolonged physical stress on the structures around the jaw joint. Typical symptoms include: • Pain while talking, chewing or yawning • Pain in front of the ear that may radiate to the face or skull • Headaches or migraines • Ear pain, ringing in the ears or hearing loss • Clicking, grating or popping sounds as the joints move • Swelling of the face and mouth on the affected side • Limited jaw mobility • Misaligned bite • Difficulty swallowing Causes A wide variety of stressors on the muscles, tendons and joints of the head and neck include teeth grinding, a misaligned bite and sleep positions as well as the use of smart phones, laptops and other devices that require the user to tilt the head down repeatedly or for extended periods. Other possible causes of TMJ-related symptoms include fractures, trauma from a fall or auto accident, dislocations, arthritis or wearing away the surrounding cartilage, and structural problems present since birth. Diagnosis and Treatment Because the disorder involves the teeth, the jaw joint, cervical spine and associated structures, you may need to consult with more than one medical specialist. This may include your primary care provider, dentist and chiropractor depending on your symptoms. The tests that you can expect include: • A dental examination of the bite alignment • Dental X-rays • Palpation of the joint and muscles for inflammation or tenderness • Pressing around the head to locate areas that are sensitive or painful • Examination of the jaw open and shut • X-rays or MRI of the jaw Each discipline offers treatment options based upon their philosophy. The range of possible treatments ranges from conservative to surgical, including chiropractic adjustment of the jaw and/or the associated structures, physical therapy, botox injections, dental appliances, sinus drainage, removal of the wisdom teeth and others. You may be wondering, “How can a chiropractor help a problem with my jaw?” The answer is simple — as a chiropractor, I am trained to correct conditions caused by musculoskeletal disorders, which can affect the body’s muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments. I approach TMJ symptoms by starting out with a complete exam and palpation of the affected areas, a posture evaluation and a discussion about medical and family history, lifestyle habits and daily routines. At that point, we may take X-rays. Collectively, this data gives me a greater understanding of the severity of the disorder, the amount of mobility and possible causes. From there, a chiropractic treatment plan is set in motion with one goal in mind: to eliminate the physical stress on the jaw. By doing so, we eliminate the spasms and symptoms and gain range of motion by returning the jaw into its normal position. Individually tailored plans vary, but generally speaking, that process may include gentle adjustments, exercises or stress-relieving therapies along with massage or the application of ice and ultrasound, as needed.

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Keys to a Naturally Healthy Heart

According to the Palmer Chiropractic College, regular chiropractic adjustments may prevent heart attacks, lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, relieve chest pain and support the cardiovascular system.  These claims have steadily gained the attention of traditional medicine, triggering studies by many well-known research hospitals. One such study took place in 2007 at the University of Chicago hypertension center.   The study examined a specialized chiropractic adjustment to the upper cervical section known as the Atlas or C-1, reported to significantly lower high blood pressure.  The theory behind the realignment is that the C-1 vertebra functions like a ‘circuit breaker’ in the body. When it’s misaligned, it can pinch arteries and nerves at the neck’s base, affecting blood flow and impairing nerve function. Eight weeks after undergoing the procedures, 25 patients with high blood pressure had significantly lower blood pressure than 25 similar patients who underwent a mock chiropractic adjustment. Because patients can’t feel the technique, they were unable to tell which group they were in. “This procedure has the effect of not one, but two blood-pressure medications given in combination,” study leader George Bakris, MD. “And it seems to be adverse-event free. We saw no side effects and no problems,” adds Bakris, director of the University of Chicago hypertension center. Results of this study provide evidence that chiropractic treatment offers support to the cardiovascular system. Another study conducted by the Department of Preventive Medicine at Rush University in 2007, determined that the realignment of the atlas segment of the spine vertebrae, could help to lower systolic blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension.  Systolic blood pressure is the topmost number in a blood pressure reading. Exercise and Diet   Taking care of your heart naturally is nothing new. Diet and exercise guidelines that are proven to support a healthy heart include:   Eat more vegetables and fruits.  The American Heart Association recommends eating eight or more fruit and vegetable servings every day. An average adult consuming 2,000 calories daily should aim for 4.5 cups of fruits and vegetables a day. Also, variety matters, so try a wide range of fruits and veggies.   Incorporate more whole grains.  Whole grains are great sources of fiber and other nutrients that play a role in regulating blood pressure and heart health. Choose low-fat protein sources  Lean meat, poultry and fish, low-fat dairy products, and egg whites or egg substitutes are some of your best sources of protein. Reduce the sodium in your food Eating a lot of sodium can contribute to high blood pressure, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Limit saturated and trans fats to reduce your blood cholesterol and lower your risk of coronary artery disease.   Incorporate 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day. Climbing the stairs, a brisk walk or treadmill, anything to get your heart rate up. Whether it is a structured exercise program or just part of your daily routine, all physical activity adds up.   Join Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic and The American Heart Association on Saturday, August 24, 2013 at 10 North Virginia Street, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 for Chiropractic Care from the Heart. From 1-3pm Dr. Daniel Strelcheck and Dr. Pete Norton will conduct complimentary blood pressure checks and address health care questions. Guests are invited to enjoy complimentary chair massage, food, beverage and prizes at this heart healthy free event. Open to the public.

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Lifelong Health

You’ve just had your first baby. All 10 fingers and 10 toes joyfully counted. Becoming a parent is a life-changing event and perhaps the single greatest responsibility you might ever have. By design, this triggers one of the most powerful human instincts — the overwhelming desire to protect your child. Through the years, I’ve learned family health care choices are often driven by cost and further influenced by the experiences of those around us and our belief systems. Simply put, if you believe “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” then you might take the wellness route for your family. Whereas if the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” adage suits you better, you’ll only be making doctor visits when you can no longer cope with symptoms. Whichever you choose, health care and wellness options for children run the gamut. Consider the upsurge in both pediatric medical specialties and health information resources during the last two decades. While helpful, they also have created some confusion about what is best, dangerous or optional. One aspect of health care that hasn’t changed is the need to establish two of your child’s primary health care professionals, starting at birth. Ideally, those relationships will be long-term, so ask around, do your homework and trust your instincts. A general pediatrician is central to your child’s health from 0 to 18 years of age. General pediatricians manage children with chronic conditions such as asthma, perform annual school physicals, oversee childhood immunizations, conduct developmental screenings and administer acute care. A chiropractor is the other primary health care professional to establish for your child early on in life. In fact, a growing number of mothers receive chiropractic care throughout pregnancy to help maintain energy and reduce a variety of discomforts. While your child’s health care will transition from a pediatrician to a general practitioner after age 18, some people have the same chiropractor throughout their lifetime. The chiropractic approach to health centers on the detection and correction of misalignments of the spinal column, which is made up of bony vertebral segments that are stacked on top of each other, forming the spine. If there is any doubt about the correlation between the nervous system, spinal column and optimal health, consider what happens if any segment of the spine is damaged or injured. From the point of injury and below, the spinal cord nerves cannot send messages between the brain and parts of the body like they did before the injury, resulting in functional disorders of organs, limbs and major systems. Start Early Children are unique creatures, with ever-changing physiology. What was a health issue last year is no longer on the radar screen, as it is replaced by something new. Each stage of their life offers unique opportunities to keep them healthy with chiropractic care, starting at birth. During the delivery process, any twisting, pushing or pulling on the baby’s head, neck, shoulders or hips can cause subluxations or trauma to any segment of the spinal column. That increases the chance for damage to the infant’s spine and nervous system. Many of those traumas go undetected until symptoms and conditions occur later on such as colic, ear infections, eating and digestion. An infant’s spine will grow 50 percent in length during the first year of life, a rate unmatched at any other phase in a child’s growth and development. Checking a child’s spine is vital to ensure small, easily reversible subluxations are corrected before they present health issues down the road. By age 6, all motor and sensory functions we use as adults are already fully developed. Therefore, damage at any stage prior to the preliminary development of those functions will inhibit optimal capability for the rest of a child’s life. When a doctor really knows your child — not just his or her complete medical history, but his or her temperament, personality, how he or she reacts to pain and even what your child is like at school and at home — it helps the doctor pinpoint health problems. The advantages of establishing your child’s primary health care professionals early on are ones that are built through many years of seeing a pediatric and trust.

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