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Strelcheck Chiropractic Keys To Insurance Success

Hi, I am Christie, team member of our insurance department at Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic. If you have insurance and are choosing to access your insurance benefits, it is important to watch this short video on the keys to insurance success. It is our goal to only educate and advise you on what insurance companies are looking for when submitting claims. From our experience, we can tell you that insurance companies are concerned with specific information in a very specific order. To successfully submit your claims for consideration, it is vital that you answer all questions thoroughly otherwise there’s a possibility that your claims will be denied. It’s a fact insurance companies are more concerned about what you say as the patient and not what the doctor states. With that said the filing becomes critical and filling out your initial and all additional paperwork in an effort to get any future visits approved. Be specific with your ailments to matter how small or large. State every symptom you are feeling. Zero pain levels will not get your claims paid so be honest and reasonable with your pain levels and use the chart that is provided with your paperwork. List out how your symptoms interfere with your daily life such as work, home and in your social life. It is vital that you keep your insurance company a way of reoccurring problems, symptoms and new injuries large or small. Areas of the neck, back, lower back and extremities requires symptoms in order to be treated. We look forward to seeing you at your first appointment and assisting you with your healthcare and insurance needs.

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Strelcheck Chiropractic Patient, Tara C., Crystal Lake IL

I started coming basically because of some abdominal issues and stomach problems and your typical stiff necked, stiff back but mostly a lump in my throat that I felt and had some serious testing done including a needle biopsy to my thyroid and nothing was helping. And after a few treatments here, the feeling of a lump in my throat was gone along with all of the other aches pains started disappearing after just a few treatments. I had been seeing a different chiropractor for a couple of years actually before I came to Strelcheck and it didn’t matter if you had a neck pain or back pain or a foot pain, it seemed to me like that chiropractor did the same treatment every single time whereas at Strelcheck they seemed to modify and have the treatment to go with the aches and pains that you have that day. They adjust your back or your neck and it’s painless and you just get up and feel so much better when you walk out the door. My name is Tara Calebris and I am a patient here at Strelcheck Chiropractic Center.

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Taking Charge Of Your Health And End Pain Naturally, Strelcheck Chiropractic, Crystal Lake IL

Dr. Strelcheck:Well, first understanding what chronic means is important. Chronic means it’s been around an extremely long time. So these people have had pain over many, many years and it will affect their mood and it will cause them to be depressed, it will cause them to not want to go out into the public. It will cause them not to be able to do their job as well as they think they can do their job and this is very depressing. Some of the symptoms of chronic pain are irritability, sadness and indifference. The major cause of chronic pain is incorrection; people don’t get their body healed and repaired so it becomes chronic; over and over for years and years the same ongoing injury with the same ongoing condition. Chronic pain is typically treated through pain medication and this helps the individual get some kind of relief although it puts them into a dependency because when the medication wears off the pain returns. There is many ways to help somebody with their chronic pain. First and foremost you have to identify the cause and then break the cycle. If you allow the cause to continue over and over again, you are going to just have the same results which is the chronic pain. We use massage, chiropractic care, exercise and nutritional supplements to break that cycle. With chiropractic we are relieving the pinched nerves that leave your spine and go to your organs are the number one thing. We also move the bone; so we bio-mechanically, your stronger structure. The massage not only is a stress relief but also breaks up scar tissue that is formed in the muscles from the chronic injury that was occurred. The nutrition supplements and supports your adrenal glands and any other organ that is associated with the chronic pain. This supplementation helps the adrenal glands produce more adrenaline which is energy for the body so it can heal and it can heal faster and better. And the exercise, well exercise has been known to release endorphin’s and endorphin’s are a healing entity of the body, it helps the mind feel better and of course building a structure or muscular support system around an injury is always an excellent idea.

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