Learning Library Blog

Patient of the Month, Jason W.

Daniel: Hi I’m Dr. Daniel Strelcheck with Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic and welcome to or patient of the month. Jason: Hi, I am Jason West. I just wanted to tell you a little bit about my situation. I have been suffering from back problems since 2001. I have gone from everywhere from out of state to neurologists to pain management doctors, cortisone shots, physical therapy and nothing seems to help. Recently I was told to go see a chiropractic clinic and I did and they told me it was going to be $10,000 for 23 treatments and I thought that was a little much so we were referred by another person to check out Dr. Strelcheck and when we did we found out that it was a third of the cost and it’s been more than what I can expect on treatment and care and their office is a great. It’s been about a third of the cost compared to $10,000 in the past and I just want to let you know if anybody thinks something is fishy with your chiropractic clinic, go check out Strelcheck because he is the man to talk to. Daniel: I want to thank you Jason for trusting your health with us and I appreciate that. Jason: No problem, thank you doc. Daniel: For a healthy and happy life I am Dr. Daniel Strelcheck. Jason: And I am Jason West.

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Range of motion improves with chiropractic

Hi, my name is Jan. I’m a patient of Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic and Dr. Dan, I just love him. He found so many things wrong with me and I was so miserable when I first came here. Now I am feeling so much better. One of the big problems was the range of motion on the left side of my neck. I could not back into a parking space. I always looked for parking spaces I could pull into. Now I have no problem. My back is so much better, my neck is better. It seems to me my body functions are also better so I am very happy to say I have gotten tremendous results from Strelcheck.

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Strelcheck Chiropractic Client, Brad, Crystal Lake IL

Hi, my name is Brad Dodds. I started coming to Dan probably about 12 years ago and I had gone to three other chiropractors and just wasn’t having much success. I liked how the doctors at Strelcheck all sit down and kind of analyze your case and they ended up coming up with treatments that were going to work for me. I actually have a herniated disc in my neck from a car accident. I honestly don’t know where I would be on some of these days without the doctors here. I had a stiff neck for a lot of years and so he was able to take that stiffness out and so I’ve got full mobility left right, forward and backward. Typically they will send you into one of the waiting rooms or one of the treatment rooms and then a massage therapist will come in and give you like a five, 10 minute massage just to get you relaxed and then from that point one of the doctors will come in and do the manipulation. It’s just nice because it’s the first place I have ever gone where you get a nice little massage to kind of get you relaxed and get you ready for the treatment. My whole family comes here also and this is the only place I will ever come just because no matter what they would always try to make it work for you. If it’s a last second thing they will just make sure they get you in. It doesn’t matter what time of the day it is whether it’s a Sunday or Saturday, they would make sure that you get taken care of.

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Strelcheck Chiropractic Clients, The Champa Family, Crystal Lake IL

Dave: We are the Champa family. I am Dave, this is Cindy and this is Emily and we have three other daughters as well. Well, being an ex-athlete I had plenty of symptoms. When I came here I had massive headaches and went through a whole routine with medical doctors and so trying to figure out what it was and so I had a lot of good reasons to come here. I have been coming here for a little over two years now and my main reason when I came here was I had issues medically that I was having them evaluate like headaches and backaches. I was going to a chiropractic clinic in another location for years, for almost 20 years. After he took x-rays and we found out what I was looking like after 20 years of going to somebody else it was very embarrassing. And so he took initiative and we had a plan we put together and things had worked out great after the first couple of visits; things were better than they were after going therefore 20 years. Cindy: Yeah, it’s been working great. I have been coming here for about six months. I am the last of the client to come here. I am a runner and about seven years ago I fell off a ladder, sprained my ankle and really never did anything about it but it just wasn’t quite right and came in, had some x-rays; my ankle, my hip, my neck; so Dr. Dan is great. It feels better than ever. Emily: I have a gallbladder problem and I have been coming here for a year. Dave: He gave us some techniques how to help it out and he treated her and some pressure points and we work on them as much as we can and she has gotten better because of it. Cindy: Yeah, they make you feel right at home. You are at ease when you come here. Dave: I keep coming back for one reason and only because there is results after every single time he takes care of me. If it’s not immediate it’s within hours after I leave here I feel the relief of whatever he has treated me for and I will continue coming back just because I know I can get better.

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