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Adrenal fatigue?

Tired of being tired? Adrenal fatigue is a collection of signs and symptoms known as a syndrome that results when the adrenal glands function below the necessary level. Most commonly associated with intense or prolonged stress, it can also start during or after acute or chronic infections, especially respiratory infections such as influenza, bronchitis, or pneumonia. Adrenal fatigue is not a new condition. People have been experiencing this condition for years, but recently there was not the knowledge or awareness as to what it was or how to help to treat it. Take the quite Adrenal Fatigue Quiz to see if any, or all, of the symptoms fit your life: Tired for no reason? Having trouble getting up in the morning? Need coffee, colas, salty or sweet snacks, crave high protein foods such as meat and cheese to keep you going during the day? Feeling run down and stressed? Can’t bounce back from stress or illness? Struggling to keep up with life’s daily demands? Just not having fun anymore? Tendency to gain weight and unable to lose it, especially around the waist? Unable to remember things? Pain in the upper back or neck for no apparent reason? Lightheaded, especially when rising from a laying down position? Mild depression? Decreased sex drive? None of these sings or symptoms by themselves can determine adrenal fatigue, but when taken as a group, they form the big picture of a “syndrome” – a person under stress. To really understand how this all happens, we need to take a look at where it starts. Your adrenals are two small glands weighing 3 to 5 grams, located above the kidneys in your mid back. Don’t let their size fool you; these powerful little endocrine glands manufacture and secrete steroid hormones that are essential for life, health, and vitality. They “oversee” the functioning of each and every tissue, organ, and gland in your body to maintain balance during stress and keep you alive. They also have important effects on the way you think and feel. They have the highest content of vitamin C per gram of any tissue and one of the highest blood flow per gram of any tissue in the body. They are about the size of a walnut, but can shrink down to the size of a small grape when exhausted. The main purpose of the adrenals is to enable your body to deal with stress from every possible source and to determine the energy of your body’s response to this stress. Whether they signal attack, retreat, or surrender, every cell responds accordingly, and you feel the results. As you can see by the signs and symptoms, these tiny glands effect everything you do: your sleep patterns, your eating habits, your emotional and physical status, and you r ability to function and lead a healthy and happy life. Our specialists at the clinic now offers specialized simple, non-evasive testing for adrenal fatigue and suggestions for ways to modify your daily routine through specific nutritional supplements, changes in eating and slipping habits, stress modification, increase in exercise, and chiropractic and massage therapy treatments. Don’t be content to feel bad and let life pass you by. Feel good again, be active, and enjoy a healthy, happy lifestyle! Call our clinic for an appointment today. We are always here for you!

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Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy

Research and Studies confirm that Chiropractic care helps women have a more relaxed and less painful pregnancy and delivery with little or no pain medication and fewer interventions. For those reasons, chiropractic treatment has become the smart, safe and effective way to alleviate the many unpleasant symptoms associated with pregnancy. What is the Purpose? While postural changes and back pain seem to be the most obvious conditions that link chiropractor to pregnancy, the reasons so many women choose to incorporate chiropractic are many. With a little online research and word of mouth networking, women have become more educated and informed about healthy alternatives to help their daily lives. Pregnancy is no exception. Here are just a few of the physical effects of pregnancy that can be helped with chiropractic treatment. Muscles – Throughout the entire pregnancy, abdominal muscles and posterior muscle groups are being altered to prepare the body for the growing fetus. The constant stretching and tightening of ligaments, tendons and muscles cause the production of lactic acid that creates a painful “burning” pain sensation. This symptom is generally more severe for first time mothers, however, it is a common complaint amongst all expectant mothers. The pain can be alleviated with a variety of strategies to improve circulation and elimination of lactic acid. Bones – The forward shift in the mother’s center of gravity takes place causing an uneven weight distribution of the pelvis, resulting in sciatica or joint pain in the hips and/or pelvis. As well, when the pelvis is misaligned, it will reduce the amount of room available for the developing baby. Establishing pelvic balance and alignment helps the baby to get into the best possible position for delivery. The most noticeable change to a woman’s spine is the increase of the lumbar curve that grows as the baby grows. This produces low back pain, usually starting after the second trimester and continuing through delivery and often for months afterwards. The strain and stress on the lumbar curve triggers compensatory changes in the cervical and thoratic spine resulting in other symptoms like migraine headaches and numbness of the arms, shoulder, and neck. These complex musculosketetal changes are sure to exhaust a mother’s energy and add to the stress of the pregnancy overall. While they may be temporary or considered a nuisance, they can be helped without drugs or gimmicks. Without help, the result can spiral into insomnia, overeating, and depression. By the time the baby is born, the mother is so worn out that adapting to life with the baby becomes harder than needed. How does it Work? Generally speaking, pre-natal chiropractic care involves gentle adjustments to the spine according to the individual symptoms and stages of pregnancy. The process can begin anytime after the first trimester. The adjustments are performed in a sitting or lying down position on an ergonomically designed chiropractic table built to accommodate the expecting mother’s tummy. In addition to the adjustments, your chiropractor may prescribe pre-natal massage to help relieve swelling, improving circulation and reduce pain. Doctors of Chiropractic that have specialized pre-natal and peri-natal training and education usually offer consultations for individual care programs before, during, and after pregnancy. What are the Benefits? Potential benefits include the following: Improved energy levels Back, limb, neck, and joint pain relief Better sleep Reduced interventions, pain medications, and duration of labor and delivery Prevention of a potential cesarean section Currently, the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association recommends that women receive chiropractic care throughout pregnancy to establish pelvic balance, optimize the room a baby has for development resulting in easier and safer deliveries for both the mother and baby.

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The Chiropractic Key to Health

Keeping your spinal column free from vertebral subluxations helps keep your natural immunity high. Whatever else you do for yourself, it is necessary if you are suffering from the flu, colds, and respiratory problems, or sinus and allergy trouble, that your spinal column be healthy. It could make the difference between a quick recovery or a lingering illness! Chiropractic care can help raise your natural resistance to disease by removing a serious interference to your proper body functions: vertebral subluxations. Natural resistance is the only reason why your cold “goes away” rather than lasting for weeks. It is not usual to have our patients tell us that since they have been under chiropractic care, “I haven’t had a cold, or if I get a cold, I get over it so much faster.” Vertebral subluxations are misaligned vertebrae in your spine that interfere with your nerves and the flow of information and energy between your brain and the rest of your body. These subluxations lower your natural resistance to disease by unbalancing your nervous system. Chiropractors perform detailed spinal examinations to detect and locate these subluxations in your body, and then correct them by spinal adjustments. Keeping your spinal column free from vertebral subluxations helps your natural immunity high – the best defense against colds and flu, and sinus problems. If your body is working properly, your resistance to germs, dust, temperature changes, and other stresses is high. Also, by relieving stress on the nervous system, your body works more efficiently and helps ensure that the skill bones “breathe,” permitting the body fluids to drain without interference. We treat many sinus sufferers, and have found that the combination of chiropractic adjustments and our natural Standard Process supplements is very effective. One patient states, “I had one sinus infection after another, and one antibiotic after another, month after month, all year around. Chiropractic care and the supplement, Thymex, have been the answer for me. I’m not saying that my sinuses never bother me – sure I still have some bad days especially with weather changes. But, I no longer need antibiotics, and the sinus headaches usually only last for a day, and are immediately relieved by and adjustment.” Once the subluxations re corrected and the immune system is built up, the body can do what it does best: heal itself naturally! Chiropractic really works!

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Gluten Free – A Lifestyle

From Pam Strelcheck I’m not kidding you. It happened just like this. I woke up one day after years of abdominal stress and announced to the world that I was going to be gluten free. I headed to the local bookstore and armed myself with all the knowledge I could in the hopes of getting on the road to feeling good. After six months, I’m now ready to help other people who need or want to be gluten free. So let’s begin. First, you must understand what gluten is. Gluten is “a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley.” Watch out for oats, though. Although they are gluten free, they can be cross-contaminated during the production process. Try and remember this. Gluten free means wheat-free, but wheat free doesn’t necessarily mean gluten-free. Spelt and kamut are two examples. They are forms of wheat. Gluten is the culprit in many health related problems today. Whether you have been diagnosed with gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, or have decided a gluten)free diet is healthier, being gluten free may relieve or completely help the following: Headaches Fatigue Gastrointestinal Distress (including gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and reflux) Depression and Anxiety Joint Pain Infertility Autistic Behaviors ADD / ADHD Behaviors So, whatever the reason, the path has been chosen and you cannot look back. Now don’t run out to the store and buy everything that says gluten free on the label. The last thing you don’t want to do is overcompensate your deprived states of mind by eating loads of gluten free cookies, cake, breads, and pretzels. Yes, there are plenty of these delicacies on the market and you may find your pocket book empty and your waistline a few inches larger by over indulging. Everything in moderation I say. What you need to do is visit your local bookstore and become educated on reading labels so you know what you need to avoid. Here are a few to get you started: Bagels Baked Goods (cookies, cakes, brownies, etc.) Beer Bread Cereal Crackers Malt Pasta Pizza Pretzels Soy Sauce Commercial Salad Dressings containing gluten stabilizers; wheat germ oil Don’t get discouraged. The good news is there are a lot more gluten free foods you will be able to enjoy than those containing gluten. I promise. Gluten Free Always, Pamela

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