Learning Library Blog

Will Orthotics Help Me?

A simple, but precise screening and evaluation by a specially trained orthotics professional, usually a chiropractor, orthopedic or podiatrist, will help determine if orthotics can help you. An accurate fit is essential to the success of any orthotic device. The process our specialists utilize starts with a cast of your foot using a soft foam mold to produce an exact impression of your foot. Since every foot is different, a customized orthotic will have a more exact fit and result than a one-size-fits-all product. The orthotics my patients prefer are flexible and insert easily into a fully enclosed shoe. They are made of a durable plastic, with a foam layer and ultra suede cover for cushion and comfort. While the costs are reasonable, in some cases, a portion may be covered by insurance and the benefits are well worth it. Consider some of these red flag indicators and contact your healthcare professional or a specialist if you feel there is a possible link: Do you stand or walk for more than 4 hours a day? Have you had knee, or back injury? Do your shoes wear unevenly? Is one of your legs shorter than the other? Are you suffering from chronic knee, hip, or back pain?

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Lymphatic Drainage for Fibromyalgia Sufferers

More than 12 million Americans suffer from Fibromyalgia, with most being women aged 25-60. It is the second most common arthritis-related illness after osteoarthritis, with symptoms including body-wide muscle and joint pain, fatigue, anxiety or depression, and decreased pain thresholds, just to name a few. The causes of Fibromyalgia are not well understood, which can make treatment difficult. A study in the Journal of Manipulative and Psychological Therapeutics found that Fibromyalgia patents had an improvement in symptoms through both manual lymph drainage therapy and connective tissue massage. Your lymphatic system is a complex network of lymph vessels and organs that circulates lymph fluid and specialized cells throughout the body for the purpose of destroying pathogens and filtering waste so it can be eliminated from the body. When the lymph system works well, we feel healthy and have a strong defense against illness. When it’s sluggish or blocked, either after surgery or an injury, we can have swelling, feel tired, and become more susceptible to sickness and infections. Though lymph vessels are found all throughout the body, most of them (about 70% of them) are located just below the skin. With lymph drainage techniques, lymph vessels are gently massaged to mobilize lymphatic fluid. It helps regulate the immune system, clear blockages, eliminate metabolic waste and toxins from the body, as well as reduce excess fluid. Therefore, because the technique is so gentle, it’s well tolerated by Fibromyalgia patients, who are often experiencing many trigger points throughout the body. By understanding the anatomy and function of this delicate system, your massage therapist specialist can assist your boy in clearing sluggish tissues of waste and swelling.

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Chiropractic Helps Ear Infections

In a previous issue of Ladies Home Journal appeared an article entitled ” Chiropractic Adjustments for Chronic Ear Infections.” This article reviewed several studies showing the effectiveness of chiropractic care for preventing re-occurring ear infections know as Otitis Media, or OM. According to the article, re-occurring ear infections account for over 35% of all pediatrician visits in the United States. Sometimes, these infections are due to bacteria and sometimes these are due to a virus. The most common medical care for this situation has been antibiotics, even though antibiotics have no effect on viruses. While the article mentions the antibiotic may be effective in acute bacterial infection, they do nothing to stop repeat infections. Research and statistics is now showing that repeated use of antibiotics is contributing to future infections by creating drug-resistant infections. The surgical approach has met with little long term results as the “tubes” placed in children’s ears often come out and usually require a child to be put under general anesthesia to do the surgery. The article in the Ladies Home Journal states, “Chiropractic care is thought to prevent recurrent infections by correcting misalignments (called subluxations) and allowing normal fluid drainage from the middle ear.” What the article took special note of was that 6 months after the chiropractic care was given to the children in the study, 80% had not suffered a recurrence of ear infections. In closing, the article did make a profound statement. They made a recommendation to parents on this subject. “If your child is between ear infections and his doctor suggested ear-tube surgery, ask if you can try chiropractic treatment first.” While we agree with that sentiment, we suggest you not wait for a period between episodes, and you don’t have to “ask” permission from any doctor to seek a chiropractic specialist’s advice.

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Price of Teen Pressure

While baby boomers bring me their aches and pains from old injuries, strains and fails, teens represent a whole different assortment of health challenges. My adolescent son, Ryan, was a living example of how the pressure to perform adversely affects the health of today’s teenagers. Every day, I watched him churn out a non-stop schedule; running from class to class then on to organized sports, community service and homework. At 14, he was living the average life of a teen – out the door by 7am and usually doing homework and on the go until midnight. This punishing schedule became all the more demanding over time as the lack of sleep, hormonal changes, a diet of fast food and the desire to accomplish as an athlete and student all took their toll. I was determined to keep Ryan healthy, but recalling my own “teenage rebellion,” I decided to start off with a few easy changes to help him achieve a healthier lifestyle. The regimen included regular chiropractic treatment, but what else? Although I am trained on nutrition, I looked to the resident specialist dietitian at Strelcheck Chiropractic, Laura Selby, for some specific advice and direction. She suggested that we add some supplements to his diet and change his morning routine. Within a few weeks, Ryan had more energy, greater focus,, and was more relaxed. Yes, relaxed. A few of his close friends were encouraged by his ability to steadily perform under the pressure and before long, parents were calling me – hopeful that I might help their kids stay on track and enjoying their busy lives. Warning Sings We’re all familiar with the effects of a stressful work week – simply put, our energy is depleted. However, chronic stress can result in adrenal fatigue, which is the inability of your adrenal glands to keep pace with the perpetual demands of flight or fight arousal. This results in a reduced production of hormones responsible for maintaining energy and mood. Other warning signs of “burnout” may include frequent headaches, lower back pain, frequent acid indigestion, stiffness of neck and shoulders, insomnia, depression or mood swings, and difficulty focusing. These conditions can often be reversed naturally by restoring the nerve function and flow to the areas of the body directly or indirectly affected by stress. The release of the pressure on those segments impacting those nerves comes about with a series of adjustments to the spinal segments impacting those nerves. I would like to note that it should not be ruled out that persistent pain may also stem from a bump or twist of the neck, back, or head and requires x-rays and subluxation of the spine causing interference with nerves resulting in pain, pins and needles, weakness and over time, may affect the proper functioning of the internal organs. Put a “Chill” on Burnout The combination of spinal health and a few dietary changes can make a world of difference in your teen’s ability to feel good and do their best. Always consult your dietitian for suggested dosage and selection of nutritional supplements. Some dietary changes to boost energy include high protein breakfast instead of carbohydrates, avoidance of caffeine, small meals that contain protein, eating every 3-4 hours, omega-3 fatty acids (commonly in the form of fish oil supplements), B-complex, 1000mg vitamin C. Counteracting your teens’ stress now will help offset illness and set the stage for good health habits for life.

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