Learning Library Blog

What is Arthritis, Common Conditions

Arthritis The term arthritis encompasses over 100 conditions that primarily effect a body’s joints. Some of the more familiar forms or related conditions include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, septic arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia and gout. While the prevalence of arthritis increases with age, both children and adults can suffer from these diseases. Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, stems from the deterioration of a joint’s cartilage, causing stiffness, pain and loss of movement. Also called “knee arthritis” or “hip arthritis” osteoarthritis effects joints of the body that receive the most stress, namely the knees, hips and hands. Rheumatoid arthritis, another prevalent form, is a type of inflammatory arthritis and an autoimmune disease. It attacks the lining of joints, producing pain, fluid build-up and inflammation. Fibromyalgia, a related rheumatic condition that effects three to give percent of adult women, causes the impairment of joints and soft tissues. While not technically a true form of arthritis because it does not damage joints or cause inflammation, it produces similar symptoms such as chronic pain and fatigue that may benefit from some of the same non-medical treatments as arthritis.

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Natural Nutrition. Health with Everyday Foods

Natural Nutrition. Health with Everyday Foods. Healthy Living. Check out what these everyday foods can do! Apples- Protects your heart, prevents constipation, blocks diarrhea, improves lung capacity, cushions joints. Apricots- Combats cancer, controls blood pressure, saves your eyesight, shields against Alzheimer’s, slows the aging process. Artichokes- Aids in digestion, lowers cholesterol, protects your heart, stabilizes blood sugar, guards against liver disease. Avocados- Battles diabetes, lowers cholesterol, helps stop strokes, controls blood sugar, smoothes skin. Bananas- Protects your heart, quiets a cough, strengthens bones, controls blood pressure, blocks diarrhea.

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Natural Health, Keeping the “Bugs” Away While Traveling

Natural Health, Keeping the Bugs Away While Traveling With the kids back to school, and traveling for the holidays are ahead, here are some recommended vitamins to help act as traveling companions. There are a few nutritional supports that may prove helpful in preventing or alleviating gastro-intestinal upset and bacterial and viral infections. These three supplements are recommended by Standard Process especially for these busy traveling weeks ahead. ZYPAN– This is a digestive aid which breaks down protein, carbohydrate, and fast by formalizing stomach ph (acidity). Sudden dietary changes in different food and drink, time changes and lack of sleep, or even cultural changes can be devastating to a vacation. This digestive supplement can be very helpful. CHOLACOL II– This supplement helps in intestinal detoxification/food poisoning by using calcium bentonite clay to absorb the toxin. This material attaches to the bacteria and carries it out of the body by normal excretory functions. IMMUPLEX– This is a combination of products that was formulated to increase the immune system’s response to bacterial and viral invasions. These are helpful little traveling companions which might help avoid, or at least minimize digestive, viral or bacterial problems. Another helpful hint, pick up a plastic container that is divided into the days of the week. This will help you to keep the pills organized during your trip as well as helping to remind you to take the pills each day. These plastic containers can be found at any drugstore.

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Chiropractic Care and the Prevention of Disease

Did You Know that Germs Do Not Cause Disease? Chiropractic Care and the Prevention of Disease Claude Bernard was a 19th century French physiologist and contemporary of French chemist Louis Pasteur. The two famous doctors argued throughout their lives as to what really was the cause of disease, the soil or the seed. Pasteur insisted it was the seed (germ) while Bernard claimed it was the soil (the body). On Pasteur’s death bed, it is said that he admitted that Bernard was right; he said, “it is the soil, not the seed.” The seed (germ factors) or the soil (the body, host factors) argument was as prevalent then as it is now again today. Today many medical authors are agreeing that, although the germ alone is not the cause of disease. Dr. B.J. Palmer, the developer of chiropractic, and the son of the man who discovered chiropractic states: “If the germ theory of disease were correct, there would be no living to believe it.” Think about it for a moment and you will see the common sense in Dr. Palmer’s statement. Some medical directors and most Chiropractors agree that the germ, though being part of the disease syndrome, is not the direct cause of disease. First a person must be susceptible to the germ. Germs will always be with us and our concern should be to strengthen our resistance to them. Dr. D.D. Palmer, the discoverer of chiropractic stated “Disease is abnormal functions: the abnormal activity has its causes/” Chiropractic has sought to find these causes which often are due to nerve interference along the spine caused by a spinal misalignment, called subluxation. Subluxations can impair normal nerve transmissions which then causes abnormal body functions, lowering the body’s resistance and making the body susceptible to disease. Chiropractic Science holds that regular chiropractic care helps prevent disease and maintains the body in a high state of health. That is why millions of people choose to receive regular monthly chiropractic care. The cause of disease is within you, it is the lack of your body’s ability to ward off disease. Increase this ability through the natural drugless method of chiropractic care.

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