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The Key to Your Health

Keeping your spinal column free from vertebral subluxations helps keep your natural immunity high.  Whatever else you do for yourself, it is necessary if you are suffering from the flu, colds, and respiratory problems, or sinus and allergy trouble, that the spinal column be healthy.  It could make the difference between a quick recovery or a lingering illness! Chiropractic care can help raise your natural resistance to disease by removing a serious interference to your proper body functions: Vertebral subluxations.  Natural resistance is the only reason why your cold “goes away” rather than lasting for weeks.  it is not usual to have our patients tell us that since they have chiropractic care” I haven’t had a cold, or if I get a cold, I get over it so much faster.” Vertebral Subluxations Vertebral subluxations are misaligned vertebrae in your spine that interfere with your nerves and the flow of information and energy between your brain and the rest of your body.  These subluxations lower your natural resistance to disease by unbalancing your nervous system.  Chiropractors perform detailed spinal examinations to detect and locate these subluxations in your body, and then correct them by spinal adjustments.  Keeping your spinal column free from vertebral subluxations helps keep your natural immunity high-the best defense against colds, flu and sinus problems.  If your body is working properly, your resistance to germs, dust, temperature changes, and other stresses is high.  Also, by relieving stress on the nervous system, your body works more efficiently and helps ensure that the skull bones “breath”, permitting the body fluids to drain without interference. We treat many sinus suffers, and have found that the combination of chiropractic adjustments and our natural Standard Process supplements is very effective.  One patient states ” I had one sinus infection after another, and one antibiotic after another, month after month, all year round.  Chiropractic care and the supplement, Thymex, have been the answer for me.  I’m not saying that my sinuses never bother me-sure I still have some bad days especially with weather changes.  But, I no longer need antibiotics, and the sinus headaches usually only last for a day, and are immediately relieved by an adjustment.”   Once the subluxations are corrected and the immune system is built up, the body can do what it does best…heal itself naturally!  Chiropractic really works!

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In the Mood for Food

Whether it’s your mom’s chicken soup when we’re sick or a heart shaped box of chocolates on Valentine’s day, it seems that human beings have associated food with love since the dawn of time.  Cultures all over the world embrace sacred beliefs about the power of food to bring us romance, beauty, fertility and comfort. This link is so strong that the very jargon and terminology associated with food conjure up thoughts of love and intimacy.  For instance, “I’m taking her out to dinner” or “cooking a meal for two at home” imply a date or anticipation of time spent together. Consider what goes on in your mind when you think of oysters, strawberries, wine or chocolate.  Some of this foods are said to have, let’s just say, mood-enhancing properties.  As a doctor trained in nutrition, I tend to look to science and fact to support any such myth.  With insight and experience of my clinic’s resident dietician, I offer this short list of foods have properties that directly support good health and perhaps something more: ASPARAGUS-Our love affair with this member of the Lily family dates back hundreds of years.  In 19th century France, bridegrooms were served three courses of the sensuous spears at their prenuptial dinner.  Asparagus is a great source of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and C, thiamin and folic acid. ALMONDS-Almonds were regarded as fertility symbols throughout the ages, are an excellent source of vitamin E magnesium and fiber.  Research by The Smell and Taste and Treatment Foundation found that the aroma of almond arouses passion in females-while the smell of lavender, orange and pumpkin pie will do the same for males. AVOCADO-In some cultures, avocados are seen as voluptuous and female shape.  The creamy texture and high fat content make them indulgent and yet very healthy.  Avocado is especially good for pregnant women for its high content of folic acid, as well as vitamin B6 and potassium. BASIL-This fragrant member of the mint family has an alluring aroma; so alluring, in fact it can help soothe headaches.  Its name is Greek, meaning “to be fragrant.”  Basil has a warming effect on the body and promotes circulation.  In some parts of Italy, a basil plant is given as a token of affection. CHOCOLATE-Why does eating chocolate make us so happy?  It’s a chemical thing.  Chocolate contains theobromine that helps the brain produce the feel-good hormone, serotonin.  Be sure to indulge in the dark variety-it contains antioxidants, whereas milk chocolate is just that: milk, trace amounts of cocoa and sugar. EGGS-The egg is enjoying a strong comeback in the American diet.  Eggs are high in B6 and B5, which help you balance hormone levels and fight stress.  The egg is one of the most ancient symbols of a fruitful life, renewal and fertility. VANILLA-Before a vanilla is even tasted its aroma triggers a relaxing response from the hypothalamus gland that controls memory and emotion.  Don’t feel like baking it into something? Get the same effect by dropping a pod into bath water. FIGS-Said to be Cleopatra’s favorite food, are high in natural and simple sugars, minerals and fiber.  They contain moderately high levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper.  Dried figs contain an impressive 250mg of calcium per 100g. A number of Asian and Mediterranean cultures associate figs with fertility. OYSTERS-These mouthwatering mollusks are a classic aphrodisiac.  They are very high in zinc, which promotes a natural increase of male hormone production and therefore, libido.  Oysters contain omega-3 fatty acids and dopamine which help maintain brain function and mood.  No wonder Casanova ate 50 raw oysters every day!  

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Naturally Clearer Skin….Chiropractic and Acne

Skin is the largest organ of the human body. It protects all of its structures and regulates body temperature and eliminates toxins by way of perspiration. When skin is healthy, we reap its benefits without much applause, however, when pimples, blackheads and blemishes show up, we appear unwell and scramble to correct it. Acne can be unsightly, uncomfortable and a mystery to treat. While most consider acne a problem plagued by only teenagers, it can be triggered at any age, causing emotional stress and negative impact on one’s self esteem.   9 Acne causes Hormonal imbalances Puberty Premenstrual acne Oral contraceptives Candida Allergies Stress Nutritional deficiencies Drugs-including over the counter, prescription and others

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Migraine Relief

Knead to Know Facts Can Massage Ease Migraine Pain? If you suffer from migraines, you know all too well the time lost to pain, nausea, photosensitivity, and a general unwell feeling.  Many people today choose to pursue alternative medicine to help alleviate and prevent migraines.  Massage has proven itself a powerful alternative to traditional medications in the field of migraine prevention. There are several different techniques of massage that have been shown to help migraine sufferers combat their illness.  Different styles work – or don’t work – for different people, however, combining massage therapy with chiropractic may get you the best results.  Depending on the type and frequency of your migraines, one or more of the following massage techniques could prove helpful to you. Deep-tissue massage, perhaps the most well-known technique, relaxes the muscles in the body through pressure and stretching.  A massage therapist focuses on areas of the body that carry tension and feel tight or uncomfortable, and uses deepening pressure to release the tension and give an overall feeling of relaxation and loosening of stiff muscles. Neuromuscular massage is a close cousin of deep-tissue massage.  In this technique, the therapist applies moderate to deep pressure on the body’s “trigger points” – specific areas within a muscle that often feel painful to the touch when pressed.  The idea behind trigger-point therapy is that it will release nerves compression (compressed nerves being the reason that the trigger points ache when touched), and that the relaxed nerves in turn will help the body to release tension. The next technique to consider is craniosacral therapy, wherein the pressure applied by the therapist is focused on the skill and scalp.  By soothing the nerve endings through massage, the therapist encourages them to relax and stop sending such powerful waves of pain. If craniosacral massage does not help your migraines, you might try moving downwards to the feet or reflexology.  Reflexology concentrates on the pressure points on the soles of the foot.  According to the practice, the foot is divided into points that relate to different areas of the body; by stimulation those points on the feet, the therapist aims to relax the muscles that carry a lot of stress or tension. If you do choose to pursue a form of massage to seek relief from migraines, you should check with your doctor to ensure the safety of your choice.  Always find licensed therapist for any technique that allows someone else to manipulate your body in any way.  Your insurance may cover massage, so check with your insurance carrier and check with your chiropractor for an exam to see if you qualify.

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