Learning Library Blog

Farmers Market

One of my favorite things to do is walk through a farmer’s market.  It makes me feel good to see people loving the earth and producing such beautiful fruits and vegetables from it.  Have you ever noticed how different the produce looks?  The size, the delicacy, the color?  It screams goodness!  With the warmer weather approaching, I can’t wait to let my fingers do the walking as I select some of the best goodies for my summer cooking.  If you have never been, you must!   http://mchenrycountyliving.com/mchenry-county-farmers-markets        

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Make Time for a Family Meal

Eating a meal with your family is a great way to share healthy foods and stay up yo date on what’s happening in one another’s lives!  But did you know that it’s also good for your family’s health?  A recent study found that girls who ate five or more meals a week with their families had a lower risk of developing unhealthy eating habits and eating disorders.  Other studies have linked regular family meals with lower rates of obesity, drug use, smoking, and suicidal thinking among adolescents.  With all the benefits you and your family can derive from eating together, how can you afford not to?  Get started this week with these tips: Set a time for a meal-just remember who has basketball practice or dance lessons on which day! Share food preparation and clean-up duties-your kids will love helping you prepare the meals, and if everyone is involved in cleanup, no one can complain about it. If they are old enough, let the kids help wash, peel and cut up vegetables. If your kids are too young to help cook, they can be involved – by choosing what vegetables they want for dinner, or by stirring ingredients in a bowl. Don’t let anyone opt out of the meal.  Including everyone emphasizes the importance of the family’s time together. Turn off the TV and computers- focus on eating and talking! Eat slowly and enjoy the food, the conversation and the laughter! Keep mealtime conversation positive and avoid sensitive subjects.  The point is for all of you to enjoy yourselves-not argue! With a little practice, your family mealtimes will become something you all look forward to.  Give it a try!

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Chiropractic Reduces Allergic and Asthmatic Reactions

Allergies are often treated with chiropractic care.  Many allergic and asthmatic reactions are caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system and/or respiratory system.  researchers have found that the immune and respiratory systems depend on normal communication from the brain and spinal cord to control and coordinate their functions properly. Therefore, if your neck is misaligned, it could cause an imbalance in your nervous system function.  this upper cervical spinal joint irritation could possibly produce or exaggerate asthmatic and allergic symptoms.  For example, many asthma and allergy suffers experienced traumas such as head injuries, auto accidents, or falls that could have injured their upper cervical spines.  The good news is that we can perform an upper cervical examination to determine if chiropractic care can reduce your allergic and asthmatic reactions.  Schedule an appointment today!

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The Effects Of Sugar On Your Children

SUGAR Lick the Sugar Habit, by Nancy Appleton, PhD warns of the negative often dangerous effects of sugar on the body.  In addition to throwing off the body’s homeostasis (balance), excess sugar may result in a number of other significant consequences.  Using documentation from a variety of medical journals and other scientific publications, below is a list of consequences of a body out of homeostasis due to eating excess sugar. Sugar can suppress the immune system. Sugar can upset the body’s mineral balance. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, concentration difficulties and crankiness in children. Sugar can cause drowsiness and decrease activity in children. Sugar can adversely affect a child’s school grade. Sugar can contribute to a weakened defense against bacterial infection.  Sugar can interfere with the absorption of calcium and magnesium. Sugar can weaken eyesight. Sugar can promote tooth decay. Sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity. Sugar can cause appendicitis. Sugar can lead to periodontal disease. Sugar can decrease growth hormone. Sugar can cause food allergies. Sugar can cause constipation. Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines. Sugar can cause depression.  

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