Learning Library Blog

Cancer Patients Quality Of Life Improved With Chiropractic Care

An article published in an issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics follows two case studies of patients with various types of cancer.  The article follows the chiropractic care and its effects on these patients’ pain and quality of life. The first patient was a 57-year old man with terminal pancreatic cancer.  The patient received chiropractic care during the later stages of his disease.  In the remaining time the patient had it was documented that the patient had significantly less pain and was able to reduce hid medications.  The Journal article summed up this case by stating, “In this case chiropractic care was able to provide significant pain relief, reduce the amount of pain medication being taken (as well as the potential side effects), and temporarily improve the quality of life for a patient with terminal cancer.” The second patient was a 54-year old man recovering from surgery for lung cancer.  This patient was continually suffering from upper back pain and had gotten no relief for over one year.  At this point the patient began chiropractic care.  In this case the patient received immediate relief and was able to discontinue all pain medication after two chiropractic visits. The principles of chiropractic make it plain that the focus of chiropractic care is not to directly treat the patient’s pain but rather assist the body and allow the body’s own healing abilities to work at the person’s maximum potential.  These case studies show that ability and the effect on people suffering from serious conditions.  The Journal article states it best when it said, “These clinical examples offer 2 specific instances of how chiropractic may improve the quality of a cancer patient’s life.”

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Check out what these everyday foods can do!

APPLES – Protects your heart – prevents constipation – blocks diarrhea – improves lung capacity – cushions joints. APRICOTS – Combats cancer – controls blood pressure – saves your eyesight – shields against Alzheimer’s – slows aging process. ARTICHOKES – Aids in digestion – lowers cholesterol – protects your heart – stabilizes blood sugar – guards against liver disease. AVOCADOS – Battles diabetes – lowers cholesterol – helps stop strokes – controls blood sugar – smoothes skin. BANANAS – Protects your heart – quiets a cough – strengthens bones – controls blood pressure – block diarrhea.

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Can You Party Without Food?

How do you typically celebrate birthdays, graduations, and other occasions, with your family and friends?  Let me guess – by going out to eat or throwing a party, right?  Turns out, people usually eat a lot more when they are in a group surrounded by delicious food! Think about the last big gathering you had – with all the laughter, chatter and good natured teasing, did anyone pay attention to how fast the nachos or garlic bread disappeared?  The longer you sit around the table, the more you eat, and the more people around you are eating, the more you eat too!  So the truth is, the more often you socialize at restaurants and parties, the harder it may be to maintain a healthy weight. Starting this weekend, plan a social events that are fun, active and do not involve food.  You might find you really enjoy these outings – maybe even more than going for dinner and drinks.  So how about inviting the gang out to play miniature golf or take a weekend hike in a pretty area nearby?  Doesn’t that sound like fun?  You can all sign up for a dance class or a sports team together to make it a regular event, like your weekend dinners.  If you don’t want to do something super active, that’s okay, but you should still try to think of ideas that don’t involve food – painting pottery together, for example!  It is relaxing and fun, and because your hands are occupied, you can’t keep throwing chips in your mouth!

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Let Laughter Into Your Life

When was the last time you had a good giggle attack?  Laughter is not only fun – it has proven health benefits as well.  By laughing more often, you automatically improve your mood (and the moods of those around you!) reduce stress and nervousness, and lower your blood pressure.  It’s hard to stay stressed when you’re chuckling away, right? Laughter can also improve your relationships – research shows that most couples place high value on each other’s sense of humor.  A shared joke with a co-worker can help bond you as friends. How can you let more laughter into your life?  The next time you reach a weight-loss goal, reward yourself by renting a funny new movie or meeting a friend at a local comedy club.  Call a friend and reminisce about a funny story from your past.  Organize a silly group activity – a board game or scavenger hunt – for the kids and their friends, and be sure to play.

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