Let us help you get the care you need and deserve.
Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic is a provider for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois PPO, CIGNA, AETNA, and United Healthcare. We also process Medicare and Veterans Administration programs.

Group or Individual Insurance
Our billing specialist will contact your insurance company to verify your chiropractic coverage benefits. Please remember, however, that the chiropractic benefits quoted to us by your insurance company are not a guarantee of payment. As a courtesy to you, we will file your chiropractic claim and await payment for 30 days. If your insurance company pays the chiropractic benefits, they quote to us, the only services you will be responsible for are any non-covered chiropractic services, deductibles, or co-pays. If you have any question at all regarding your financial responsibility, please do not hesitate to ask. Our Billing Specialist has years of experience and will be happy to assist you.
Patients Without Insurance
If an effort to assist those patients that do not have insurance coverage or have plans with limited coverage, such as catastrophic policies, we have several payment options to choose from. It is our goal to make it affordable so those patients may receive complete chiropractic care without undue financial difficulty. Of course, you are always welcome to pay with cash, check, debit, or credit card.
Personal Injury or Automobile Accidents
Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic has more than 50+ years of experience dealing with billing and conducting personal injury cases. It is our standard protocol to access the patient’s medical payments portion of their auto insurance policy regardless of fault. We find this procedure of using the patient’s medical pay the most effective and efficient way of processing treatment charges. Notify our insurance department immediately if an attorney is representing you.
At your first visit, please make sure you bring the following:
- All Personal Injury paperwork downloaded and completed from our Patient Center
- Accident Report
- Claim#
- Copy of Automobile Insurance Card
- Copy of Group Insurance Card
- Copy of policy benefits showing amount of medical payments coverage
- Radiology report and/or any other pertinent medical information pertaining to the accident if applicable
On the Job Injuries
At your first visit, please make sure you bring the following:
- All Workers Compensation paperwork downloaded and completed from our Patient Center
- Incident report from employer
- Emergency room or previous MD treatment records
We do accept assignment with Medicare. The check is usually sent directly to our office in payment of the services that Medicare will cover, which for chiropractors is ONLY manual manipulation of the spine. Medicare pays 80% of the allowable fee once the deductible has been met. You are required to pay the deductible and the remaining 20% unless you have a supplement that covers them.